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2011 Waitlist Thread

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rmorelean - do you know if the wait list is done moving?

Or is there still some calls left to be made (either today or tomorrow)?


Not sure I am afraid - but office does close at 4:30 though so that is a hard deadline. Of course they probably are winding down etc but again that is just a guess.

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I can't help but feel that us regular wait listers that are still waiting have been dealt a gigantic blow to our chances today :( ... Not to sound like a negative nancy, but I'm not very optimistic, at least for myself...


But what's more important is that we should congratulate those who have been accepted today. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer without a worry in your mind! :) You all deserve a little rest and relaxation. Congrats to all once again.

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:D Hey guys! First off, congratulations to everyone recieving offers today! It brought a smile to my face (and in the case of Jedi, a bit of a mischievous grin) to see your posts.


And for people still on the waitlist. DONT LOSE HOPE! I'm not gonna lie, at first I felt a bit discouraged today too seeing that spaces seemed to be filling up, but I think it's wayyyy too early to lose hope. I'm occasionally a bit of a pessimistic person but right now I feel like giving my two cents on this matter, and hopefully putting a little bit of hope in the waitlist family.


First, the waitlist has been running for 3 business days only. I think what happened is that theyre sending out all the offers for spaces which are FOR SURE empty. That doesn't necessarily mean that whoever recieves an offer is going to accept it, which means that when the deadline to accept or decline comes by, more spaces will be open in both london and windsor. In addition, even though the initial accept/decline deadline has passed, it's possible that there may be people who applied internationally, and who may get an offer from a school in another country that they may have preferred to go to. That last one is probably unlikely, but sometimes people do withdraw from a school after enrolling.


I also don't know (so please correct me if i'm wrong), if this set of offers includes people who were originally accepted to windsor on may 5th, and then offered a transfer to london. If this is the case, then there are even more spots in london (and Schulich as a whole) which are still up in the air, as some people might decide to stay in windsor.


Finally, again, 3 business days is a very short amount of time. Last year the high priority waitlist was exhausted in a week, and then the offers ran for about a month (I think?), so again, its still too early to lose hope. Waitlists are in place for a reason, and sometimes can continue running for months! I interviewed at a school in the states back in March, and I heard a story about someone who was accepted off of the waitlist right at the beginning of the school's orientation week.


That's just whats been keeping me optimistic through this process, we're still very early into waitlist movement (timewise), and no one knows what tomorrow will bring! Even if history (as in last years waitlist movement) is a good indicator, a wonderful person once told me that even if statistics and history indicate that something is unlikely to workout, you've got to have faith that it will. We should keep our chins up until we have official word that the class is full. This waitlist thread has been a great support for keeping us calm, and even if were stuck here for longer than expected, I think its essential for everyone to stick together and not feel discouraged as of yet.


Good luck to everyone! Let's hope for some more good news tomorrow and in the coming weeks! :D

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Congratulations to everyone who got off the wait list today :) I know its been a long journey so this is a well deserved reward.


For the rest of us who are still waiting. I am going to take the side of Bertimus. From the time that Jedi got a call, it seems like they were giving out offers through the afternoon too. So maybe there will be more good news tomorrow. There is no point in despairing yet. Hugs to every one that's been spending their day hitting refresh on this forum like me. It's been hard but let's hold on to hope and stay positive!

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Hey everyone. I'm a first time poster...I've been following this forum for a while. You guys really helped me get through this process. I got the call today at 11:38 while I was at work. I've been accepted at windsor campus (preference London campus) off of the regular waitlist. I wanted to post to help give you guys a better idea of the numbers. I truly wish the best for everyone on this forum. Don't give up! Even if you don't get in this year, if you've made it this far you DESERVE to be in med school!

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Hey everyone. I'm a first time poster...I've been following this forum for a while. You guys really helped me get through this process. I got the call today at 11:38 while I was at work. I've been accepted at windsor campus (preference London campus) off of the regular waitlist. I wanted to post to help give you guys a better idea of the numbers. I truly wish the best for everyone on this forum. Don't give up! Even if you don't get in this year, if you've made it this far you DESERVE to be in med school!


Congratulations on getting in!! Thanks for your post; it is much appreciated.

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Hello guys, I'm very happy to say that I also got a call today! I was at work so I couldn't post until now. :)


Waitlist: Regular

Call: June 2nd at 11:17am

Offered: Windsor

Preferred: London


4th year student, Non-SWOMEN

Best two years: ~3.83 (at UWO)

MCAT: 34Q (12/11/11/Q)

ECs: A few publications (2 primary) from 2 NSERC USRAs, some basic volunteer/leadership experience, no major health care related ECs.

Interview: I thought it went rather well but then again I thought McMaster was my best one and they flat out rejected me so who knows!


Gonna wait a bit to see about Queens but will most likely accept Western. Congrats to those who got in and good luck to the rest! Looking forward to meeting everyone!

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Hello guys, I'm very happy to say that I also got a call today! I was at work so I couldn't post until now. :)


Waitlist: Regular

Call: June 2nd at 11:17am

Offered: Windsor

Preferred: London


4th year student, Non-SWOMEN

Best two years: ~3.83 (at UWO)

MCAT: 34Q (12/11/11/Q)

ECs: A few publications (2 primary) from 2 NSERC USRAs, some basic volunteer/leadership experience, no major health care related ECs.

Interview: I thought it went rather well but then again I thought McMaster was my best one and they flat out rejected me so who knows!


Gonna wait a bit to see about Queens but will most likely accept Western. Congrats to those who got in and good luck to the rest! Looking forward to meeting everyone!


Congrats to you!!!


Facebook group update: 117 total, with 9 of those in the Windsor group

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When Pam called you guys/gals, did she give any indication of whether or not all the movement was done today or will there be anything tomorrow??


I'm dying here. *rocking back and forth in the corner drying his tears*:(


ps. congrats everyone! lol


Try not to worry so much. This year a lot more wait-list movement was done early but some people are choosing between acceptances at a couple of different schools off of the wait-list. With one weeks grace given to respond, I would not be surprised if some more movement happens next week for sure. Statistically some people are going to reject Western, even if from the high wait-list so be patient and I really hope things work out for you in the days that follow.

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When Pam called you guys/gals, did she give any indication of whether or not all the movement was done today or will there be anything tomorrow??


I'm dying here. *rocking back and forth in the corner drying his tears*:(


ps. congrats everyone! lol


I had to teach my MCAT course this evening...

It was so difficult. I kept my humour and smile going throughout the whole thing. Tried to make them feel at ease about their application process and explain to them the various concepts...


Meanwhile, I was dying inside - now that I am home, definitely fighting back tears.


Try to hang in there everyone...

*fingers crossed*

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I had to teach my MCAT course this evening...

It was so difficult. I kept my humour and smile going throughout the whole thing. Tried to make them feel at ease about their application process and explain to them the various concepts...


Meanwhile, I was dying inside - now that I am home, definitely fighting back tears.


Try to hang in there everyone...

*fingers crossed*


Yeah, I haven't had a great day either. This whole business really takes a toll on you. But remember that we all have so much to be proud of in our lives and we've all accomplished a lot, regardless of whether or not we get accepted to med school this year.

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I received a call at 11:35am today for a spot at Windsor. I was on the reg WL.


3.80 (best 2 yrs)

34Q (11VR/12PS/11B)



Congrats to everyone else and good luck to those still waiting. I really want to meet everyone else in August =)


Congratulations chuntingche. Welcome to Schulich!


Hey all. I am yet another long-time lurker, first time poster. I received the call from Pam at my hometown number (I am currently out of the country) at 11:15 this morning, and replied back as soon as my parents got ahold of me. I will post my stats in the thread soon.


Thank you to everyone on this forum in assisting with the waiting process! Knowledge is power, and without the speculation of all on this thread, the waiting would have been much more difficult.


ps. And yes, I did reply to that phone call with YES YES YES! (Pam didn't even get her first sentence out lol)


LOL, you didn't allow for any confusion as to whether you wanted to come to Schulich. Welcome!


Guys I just got the call.

Pam just called me.

Time stamp is 11:51

and my preferred campus was London

but was offered Windsor!!!

I was on regular waitlist!

Pam told me there will more calls made today

so hang on tight!!!!!


Must feel great. Congratulations!


I got the call too!


11:40, Regular waitlist

Windsor campus


Good luck to everyone--you're such a great group of people and I really hope to be able to call you my classmates in September.


:D Congratulations!


I was accepted to Windsor campus (preference London) off of the regular waitlist this morning at 11:10! Good luck to everyone on on the waitlist!


Great to hear, welcome to the best med school!


Just received call at 10:35am. I was on the high-waitlist with London as my preferred campus but offered Windsor. Good Luck everyone.


Congratulations! :D


Hey guys. I got in off the high wait-list right now. I was offered a spot at Windsor Campus. I'm suprised they are full in London already lol. There must not be many people that declined. Anyways, woohoo lol. Hope everyone else hears good news.


With a name like Inception, Schulich is the perfect fit. Congrats!


I was on Regular Waitlist, and received the call for Windsor campus (preferred was London) at 10:55 am. Congrats to all who have gotten in!!


Congratulations! Welcome to Schulich!


Hey everyone. I'm a first time poster...I've been following this forum for a while. You guys really helped me get through this process. I got the call today at 11:38 while I was at work. I've been accepted at windsor campus (preference London campus) off of the regular waitlist. I wanted to post to help give you guys a better idea of the numbers. I truly wish the best for everyone on this forum. Don't give up! Even if you don't get in this year, if you've made it this far you DESERVE to be in med school!


Great words of advice. Congrats!


Hello guys, I'm very happy to say that I also got a call today! I was at work so I couldn't post until now. :)


Waitlist: Regular

Call: June 2nd at 11:17am

Offered: Windsor

Preferred: London


4th year student, Non-SWOMEN

Best two years: ~3.83 (at UWO)

MCAT: 34Q (12/11/11/Q)

ECs: A few publications (2 primary) from 2 NSERC USRAs, some basic volunteer/leadership experience, no major health care related ECs.

Interview: I thought it went rather well but then again I thought McMaster was my best one and they flat out rejected me so who knows!


Gonna wait a bit to see about Queens but will most likely accept Western. Congrats to those who got in and good luck to the rest! Looking forward to meeting everyone!


Congrats on the acceptance! Good luck with your potential decision.


Holy Crap !!!

Pam Called Me 240 And I Am In!!!!

Conditional Acceptance To Windsor Campus!@!!!!!!


Will Post More Later When I Can Stop Shaking!@


Wow! I'm very happy to see that you were accepted after what happened last year. It looks like everyone else feels the same! I believe you are in the 2015 class for a reason. Welcome to Schulich :D

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To those who are still waiting, keep hoping. Not everyone who was offered an acceptance the past few days will accept. Also, there may be people who have already accepted offers who forego going to Schulich for whatever reason (e.g. OOP acceptance, out of country acceptance). Spots can and probably will still open up.


Good luck!

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To those who are still waiting, keep hoping. Not everyone who was offered an acceptance the past few days will accept. Also, there may be people who have already accepted offers who forego going to Schulich for whatever reason (e.g. OOP acceptance, out of country acceptance). Spots can and probably will still open up.


Good luck!

^ Hear hear.


I can't believe I'm actually writing this, but I will be declining my offer to the Windsor campus. I love Western (so much!) and Windsor is a great campus, but I think Queen's is a better fit for me.


At least one more of you will get a call tomorrow! Good luck to everybody and see you all during Ontario Med Student Weekend :)

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