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To All Recent Grads: How's The "real World" ?


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Hi everyone.


I'm a recent B.Sc. grad who was rejected from med schools last year. I am currently in the process of reapplying, as well as finding employment in my field.


As a student who went straight to college after high school, this is my first September since I was 5 in which I'm not in school. It's almost a surreal experience. I feel especially strange since most of my peers went back to school immediately after graduation.


To anyone else in my position, how's post-college life treating you?  :D

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After being in undergrad for 6 years (currently going on 7th), I will be extremely excited for the chance to have a school-free September next year. Think about all the stuff you can do! You can watch TV all day long without worrying about homework. You can travel to Europe without worrying about getting notes from someone. You can take any job you want without worrying about the huge time commitment for school. There's almost nothing in the world you can't do. Enjoy it because most of us can't just yet :)

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Haha, I was recently discussing this very same thing with my friend. I'm in 3rd year so I still have this cycle and next before even considering a year without school, but the idea of being able to fully experience the 4 seasons in the year without the burden of school is very enticing. But of course I would trade all that to get into med without a second thought  :)

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You can watch TV all day long without worrying about homework. You can travel to Europe without worrying about getting notes from someone. You can take any job you want without worrying about the huge time commitment for school. There's almost nothing in the world you can't do. Enjoy it because most of us can't just yet :)


This could not be any further from the "Real World". If this is what you have in mind after your undergraduate degree you are going to get quite the awakening. Haha.

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The 'real world' is pretty uneventful for me so far. I knew my B.Sc. in Biochemistry wouldn't be extremely unemployable, but I thought I'd get at least one call back.  :eek: That being said though, I am absolutely relieved that I don't have to constantly worry about my grades at the moment. I've had grades anxiety since 12th Grade

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If it's any consolation, a BSc in Biochemistry probably sounds super impressive to 99% of people.


Maybe all of the employers you contacted just think you're over-qualified?



True. I don't mean to boast, but the typical response I get is positive when I tell people I have a Bachelor's in Biochemistry. Too bad it doesn't land me a job or anything!  :P

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