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Terrorists caught across Ottawa, London...one's a Doctor.


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Maybe, except that like 99.999% of terrorist acts in North America are committed by muslims/arabs. I've never heard of a Jew or Christian from Canada attempting to blow up a plane or embassy within Canada.


lol what's wrong with Fox News? I'd say its one of the least biased sources. Now CNN on the other hand is ridiculous.


Obviously not true. How many actual terrorist attacks by moslems have been carried out in North America? WTCx2 - and that is basically it. A few lone people have done some killing, and several people have been arrested. A jewish podiatrist was arrested for attempting to bomb a mosque, and several jews in California were arrested for trying to kill an arab member of congress (who was christian and republican). And there have been several militant christians arrested over the years as well for bombing abortion centers and what not.


Anyways, alot of people seem to forget that terrorist attacks by moslems in north america have been pretty rare in actual number.

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Maybe, except that like 99.999% of terrorist acts in North America are committed by muslims/arabs. I've never heard of a Jew or Christian from Canada attempting to blow up a plane or embassy within Canada.


Holding an entire demographic responsible for the actions of a few people is the root of racism and bigotry and is honestly something you really shouldn't be so quick to sign up for.


lol what's wrong with Fox News? I'd say its one of the least biased sources. Now CNN on the other hand is ridiculous.


What a sad thing to read a Canadian write. Jesus, where to even begin. Alright, so, they employ O'Reilly, Beck, Hannity, and Sarah Palin. All of their speakers are conservative except for a couple weak-kneed democrats they bring on to bust apart now and then (Hannity v. Colmes, for instance). They also routinely give airtime to other conservatives like Ann Coulter.


They knowingly lie and distort the truth, and were brought to court over this by

, but won because the courts decided that they have no obligation to tell the truth.


The parent company of Fox News, NewsCorp., is run by ultra-conservative *******

, and recently donated $1,000,000 to the Republican Party in the States. A media company donating substantial amounts of money to a political party is clearly very unbiased.


Support for Bush, support for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, non-stop criticism of Obama and the democratic party.


Here's an awesome video of typical Fox News attitude toward Canada:

It's a late-night idiot show, but it's still a Fox News show making fun of our military in spite of over 100 of our soldiers having been killed supporting their war.


Fox News also took the fake ACORN and Shirley Sharrod stories and ran with them, even though the stories are fake. All their talking heads went on about how evil ACORN was, how racist Mrs. Sharrod is, and got ACORN shut down and Mrs. Sharrod fired even though the videos were fake/misleading and nothing had been done.


They constantly made suggestive or even wholly wrong claims during the 2008 elections, suggesting Obama is a Muslim (and so what if he was, even though he's Christian?), a socialist, a communist, and not actually an American.


During the healthcare reform bill, they perpetuated the various lies the Republicans put forward about the bill, including the existence of "death panels" Sarah Palin conjured up. They've been critical of basically everything the democrats do, and pretty much exclusively drum up support for conservative and otherwise GOP plans and concepts.

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There are maybe 1.3 billion moslems in the world. That is 300 million more moslems than ALL THE WHITES in the world. In other words, ALOT of people. How many have been involved in real serious terrorist attacks in western nations over the last decade??


There's about 1.1 billion muslims in world. According to world stats, the total population of usa, canada, europe and australia (mainly white dominated) would be around 1.3 billion. So if anything, there's 200 million less muslims than whites? And even that's totally inaccurate.

You're pullin stats out of your ass.


Around 100, 200 at most. There were more individual murderers and child rapists over the last decade in Toronto alone - let alone the whole western world.


How many people in western nations have died from terrorist attacks over the last 10 years?? At most, 4-5 thousand - with the vast majority in the WTC. Excluding the WTC, probably not much more than 1000 (mainly in spain, uk, russia (if considered western). Even in countries like India, including the Mumbai attack, the number of dead from terrorist attacks in the last 10 years is less than 1000 - even less than those killed by the maoists.


In other words, dying from terrorism is very rare, and the numbe of moslems involved in terrorist attacks in miniscule. The numbers are of course obvious. But I guess with the interet the way it is - a story isolated to a small geographical area gets spread around the whole world in minutes.


Boy, if I took the ratio of people dead vs christian terrorists, muslims would seem like nazis. But that's irrelevant and so are the numbers you're throwing around.


Terrorism is a huge problem. But we're talking about the vast array of problems islam generally causes. The effect islamization has. The content of the quran. The content of the quran vs the bible. The hadith. The aggressiveness is rooted in there. That's what this is about.



Aside from Saudi Arabia, all moslem nations allow churches and synagogues to be built. Plenty of them in north africa, egypt, iran, iraq, syria, lebanon, turkey, pakistan, etc.


Doesn't mean much. Google christian and other religious minority persecution. It's common fact about how bad it is.


You should read the entire thread, it's been mentioned with evidence a few times.

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There's about 1.1 billion muslims in world. According to world stats, the total population of usa, canada, europe and australia (mainly white dominated) would be around 1.3 billion. So if anything, there's 200 million less muslims than whites? And even that's totally inaccurate.

You're pullin stats out of your ass.




Boy, if I took the ratio of people dead vs christian terrorists, muslims would seem like nazis. But that's irrelevant and so are the numbers you're throwing around.


Terrorism is a huge problem. But we're talking about the vast array of problems islam generally causes. The effect islamization has.




Doesn't mean much. Google christian and other religious minority persecution. It's common fact about how bad it is.


You should read the entire thread, it's been mentioned with evidence a few times.


The prime minister of Indian, Mahoman Singh, has said the greatest threat to his nation is Maoist rebels who have killed tons of people over the last few years. While largely nonmoslem/non hindu, do you know what religion most of them have conspired with recently?? Good old christianity, and they killing more hindus in India than moslems!!




You do realize that there have been several christians born in moslem nations on the board that have disputed what you have said. Some bias I am sure exists (much like the racism I experience from whites for simply being asian) - but most christians live unmolested and in relative positions of wealth in moslem nations. Heck, being a white christian gives you more pay for the same job in Saudi Arabia than a brown moslem migrant would get - and neither of them can become citizens!!


Let us add up all the whites in the world??


USA - 200 million *(remember, 100 million ARE minorities)

Canada - 25 million (remember, at least 5 million ARE minorities)

UK - 50 million whites

France - 50 million whites

Germany - 75 million whites

Russia - 130 million whites (at least 15 million non whites)

Italy - 55 million whites

Poland - 39 millin whites

Spain - 36 million whites

Ukraine - 45 million whites


Those are the largest white countries in the world. Add up ALL whites in the world, and very generously we have 1 billion AT MOST. And that includes many south american countries, where the numbers of whites are often exagerated. Brazil is NOT 55% white (maybe in the south), but that is what their census says.


Moslems nations have high fertility. 170 million in pakistan, 150 million in India, 200 million in Indonesia, 65 million in Iran, 60 million in Egypt, 60 million in Turkery. 130 million in Bangladesh, 60 million in Nigeria. That is 900 million ALONE!! (and i have taken into account the large christian and hindu minorities in some of those countries). Add in the other african countries, north african countries, middle eastern countries, large moslem minorities in europe, n america, and china...and easily at 1.2-1.3 billion. All encyclopedia britannica and wikipedia available.


Have a nice day, you ignorant racist fool.

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This Pew research claims 1.57 billion Muslims: http://pewforum.org/Mapping-the-Global-Muslim-Population.aspx


Where are you guys getting these other numbers, 1.1 or 1.3?


Anyway, as per usual, the thread has become a minority of people (or, person, in this case) who is committed to his prejudices and consistently ignores the fact that Islam really isn't any worse than Christianity, that it's the people who decide to do evil rather than the religion forcing them to, and that his own bigotry is more harmful to this nation and its diverse people than Muslims are. We can only hope that one day he opens his eyes, but certainly discussing it further won't do any good.

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I pray, read Quran, fast during ramadan, give charity (zakah), and did hajj going to makkah, pay tax, but I eat halal food and dont drink wine. I have tons of non-muslim freinds at UBC,SFU, BC and rest of the world------How difficult is that?. Has the Quran restricted my life so much that I have to break its rules to live now as a muslim? not at all. and so is the case with almost all muslims here. Quran is not that intolerant, aggressive as you potray. But neither is it simple to understand. You need to go into explanation to read that. This goes for all religious books. Their is too much behind every verse, and why its the way it is. The verses you quote and claim that they instill hatred shows your obvious lack of understanding and ignorance BIG TIME.


Every verse is from a Surah in the Quran. And every Surah has its own prespective and a name which shows the background in which it was released. The verse about not trusting christians and jews, refers to the Romans (christians) who at the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to help the Quraish of Mecca wage war against muslims of Medina, and the jews were the two jewish tribes settled in Medina, who used to backstab the Muslims.

A verse for you:-


(Al-Isra- Verse 53) And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs). Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.


(Al-Mumtahinah- Verse 8) Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.


(Al Mumtahinah- Verse 9)Allah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong.


Hadith of Prophet (PBUH)


1)- Beware on the Day of Judgement; I shall myself be complainant against him who wrongs a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state or lays on him a responsibility greater than he can bear or deprives him of anything that belongs to him (Bukhari) .


2)- “Among the people of the Book (Jews and Christians) there are those who if you trust them with a treasure, will return it to you; and among them there are those who, if you trust them with a dinar, will not return it to you, unless you keep standing over them.” (3:75)


Now If i was to misinterpret versus from the bible or quote half of them, it would make it look more aggresive, watch:-


"34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.


"35 For I have come to turn " 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—“ KJV-Matthew10


Explanation of verses makes a big difference. During Holy Prophets stay in medina the non muslims were given equal rights to do everything. When Muslims conquered Jerusalem without killing anyone, some people forcefully evacuated a christian from his home to build a mosque there, When the then Caliph, Hazrat Umar (RA) came to know of this, he immediately ordered the construction to stop and restored the man's home.


If you still want an explanation of Quranic Verses or anything you dont understand or a history lesson, ill gladly clear your confusion. But if you wanna go on ranting about how Muslims (who follow Quran) are muck on the planet and polluting it, then help yourselves.

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The prime minister of Indian, Mahoman Singh, has said the greatest threat to his nation is Maoist rebels who have killed tons of people over the last few years. Do you know what religion most of them have adopted recently?? Good old christianity, killing more hindus in India than moslems!!




sfinch, the number of hindus killed by muslims over history would dwarf any other figures of killing. And not all maoists are christian, maybe not even a majority.


Wait, why am I discussing this? Trying to prove terrorism doesn't kill as many people as something else is absurd enough. And even if you prove it you get nowhere.

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sfinch, the number of hindus killed by muslims over history would dwarf any other figures of killing. And not all maoists are christian, maybe not even a majority.


Wait, why am I discussing this? Trying to prove terrorism doesn't kill as many people as something else is absurd enough. And even if you prove it you get nowhere.


The number of non whites and non christians killed by good old fashioned white christians outnumbers anything imaginable by anyone else.


Heck, in our grandparents lifetimes, white christians went on a rampage and murdered 6 million jews with big smiles on their little white christian faces. Had no problem nuking 'the japs' with big smiles on their faces. All the while segregating their african american troops in europs so they don't mix with the nice and religious white christian soldiers and white christian women.


Give me a break.

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The number of non whites and non christians killed by good old fashioned white christians outnumbers anything imaginable by anyone else.


Heck, in our grandparents lifetimes, white christians went on a rampage and murdered 6 million jews with big smiles on their little white christian faces. Had no problem nuking 'the japs' with big smiles on their faces. All the while segregating their african american troops in europs so they don't mix with the nice and religious white christian soldiers and white christian women.


Give me a break.


The number of muslims killed by other muslims would rival that figure actually. And if you add number of non-muslims killed by muslims, then it'd beat any other figure easily.


AGAIN, this isn't what we're discussing.

Read the quran sfinch. I'm sure you've read the bible. Compare them.

The quran is much more intolerant and aggressive in quality and quantity.


You're wasting your time, he doesn't care about anything beyond his own opinion. It's too bad, being close-minded is one of those capital sins of an intelligent person as far as I'm concerned.


This can be said vice-versa. Me and some other are wasting our time because some don't care about anything beyond their own opinion. Apparently nobody's changed their opinion from the start.

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The number of muslims killed by other muslims would rival that figure actually. And if you add number of non-muslims killed by muslims, then it'd beat any other figure easily.


AGAIN, this isn't what we're discussing.

Read the quran sfinch. I'm sure you've read the bible. Compare them.

The quran is much more intolerant and aggressive in quality and quantity.


The koran at my public library didn't seem that bad when I went through it years ago as a high school student - but it depends on the translation I guess. The old testament is really harsh though - cannot imagine it gets worse than that.


Where in history have moslems killed more moslems than WWII. Nowhere. WWII is the greatest mass killing in human history - and the killing was 85% done by white christians. Even if in the far past moslems killed alot of people, for which there is little evidence, the populations were so small it would be impossible to compete with WWII mass murder.


And of course, we are not even talking about the mass killings of abos in australia, natives in north/south america, blacks in african slave trades, and so forth.


Don't be worried, when it comes to mass killings and murder, white christians have got it made! Heck, even the 10s of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed by US bombs and tanks outnumbers the number of whites killed by moslems over the last 100 years.

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My feelings toward that demographic are primarily based on Israeli conflict. Perhaps I shouldn't let my dislike of 'palestine' colour my view of the actions of all arabs.


For jews like yourself, palestine does cloud alot of things I suspect when it comes to arabs. However, even in the worst of times, no arab nation/population tried anything even close to the holocaust, even when the arabs had power. Many palestinians did have homes in Israel which were taken from them, and they do not have free movement and citizenship rights in their occupied territories. I am disgusted by the terrorism espoused by many palestinians, but expecting resistance from them is to be expected. I think ISrael should grant independence to those terrictories, and destroy any nation that attacks them in a war. Holding on to them will create a long term demographic disaster for Israel that eventually it will not be able to survive.


The feelings that led to mass murder in Germany did not die down entirely - those mass murdering grandparents passed on those feelings to their kids and grandkids. It's just the political climate and modern culture of europe does not allow vile anti-semitic discourse anymore. Unfortunately, anti-moslem discourse is now pretty well encouraged.

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I have a hard time reading the following two quotes by the same person without being reminded of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


tc man, read the bible and koran. I've read a little bit and they are vastly different in their approach.


But the difference is the books. And it would be take me multiple essay-like posts to prove it to some legitimate extent that the quran is significantly more aggressive, bellicose and intolerant that the bible.

So just read the books, it's not too hard to figure out.


And you point out 2 crazy things in there. If you accumulate aggressive verses in the quran and bible, the quran would outdo the bible is quantity and degree of intolerance.


I am no religious scholar, but I have read the entire bible and quran and if you believe that there is a vast difference in aggressiveness and intolerance than I question your bias and/or the bias of those you are getting your information from, as I don't think that it is from a thorough reading of both texts which would be required to make such a sweeping statement.


The quran has verses which tells muslims to never befriend non-believers or ally with them, for allah hates them.


Too bad the quran is not more like the tolerant, non-aggressive bible which just kills the non-believers. Like Moses when his people were in Acacia and he ands god ordered the execution of everyone who worshipped another god(s). 24000 men women and children.


Or any of the following (there are more, but hopefully this is enough). This is not meant to start a quran/bible quote war, but seriously how about you actually read the books you are asking others to read. Nor is it to say that both books are evil (although I don't care for any religion) as it was a sign of the time and for instance the works of Homer are not all roses and puppy dogs either.


Deut 13:7 - "If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death."


Deut 13:13 tells followers to slaughter an ENTIRE town (including animals) if a SINGLE person worships another god.


Deut 17:2 -Suppose a man or woman among you, in one of your towns that the LORD your God is giving you, has done evil in the sight of the LORD your God and has violated the covenant by serving other gods or by worshiping the sun, the moon, or any of the forces of heaven, which I have strictly forbidden. When you hear about it, investigate the matter thoroughly. If it is true that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, then that man or woman must be taken to the gates of the town and stoned to death.


Deit 17:12 - Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death.


Second Chronicles 15:12 - They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (Exodus 22 gives the same death sentance to believers in other gods).

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My feelings toward that demographic are primarily based on Israeli conflict. Perhaps I shouldn't let my dislike of 'palestine' colour my view of the actions of all arabs.


Of course you shouldn't! The problem is palestinian terrorist organizations are funded by other arabs and arab countries. But you still can't generalize all arabs from that. Some or many may be against palestinian terrorist organizations.


The koran at my public library didn't seem that bad when I went through it years ago as a high school student - but it depends on the translation I guess. The old testament is really harsh though - cannot imagine it gets worse than that.


Where in history have moslems killed more moslems than WWII. Nowhere. WWII is the greatest mass killing in human history - and the killing was 85% done by white christians. Even if in the far past moslems killed alot of people, for which there is little evidence, the populations were so small it would be impossible to compete with WWII mass murder.


And of course, we are not even talking about the mass killings of abos in australia, natives in north/south america, blacks in african slave trades, and so forth.


Don't be worried, when it comes to mass killings and murder, white christians have got it made! Heck, even the 10s of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed by US bombs and tanks outnumbers the number of whites killed by moslems over the last 100 years.


The larger the population, the more people you'll kill.... So if buddhists start getting violent for next hundreds of years, they'll quickly match historical quantities. Doesn't mean the proportion or percentage of people killed will be matched though.


Stop trying to quantize the amount of people "white christians" have killed. It's impossible to compare that number to how many have died through islamic violence through history.


You're almost being racist here. WHITE christians? what about brown, yellow, black christians? You're attacking ethnic groups of a colour, not the christian theology.

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This can be said vice-versa. Me and some other are wasting our time because some don't care about anything beyond their own opinion. Apparently nobody's changed their opinion from the start.


Oh please. You're attempting to suggest that the Islamic religion is worse than others and I've repeatedly, again and again, pointed out how terrible the Bible is and how Christians have just as much cognitive dissonance going on as Muslims do. And you ignore that, pretend it isn't the case, pretend that somehow the Qur'an is worse than the Bible, and then go off on tears about nonsense like how many non-Muslims live in Saudi Arabia, or any of that garbage. It's disingenuous fearmongering, it's flat-out bigotry, and it's disgraceful as hell.

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Of course you shouldn't! The problem is palestinian terrorist organizations are funded by other arabs and arab countries. But you still can't generalize all arabs from that. Some or many may be against palestinian terrorist organizations.




The larger the population, the more people you'll kill.... So if buddhists start getting violent for next hundreds of years, they'll quickly match historical quantities. Doesn't mean the proportion or percentage of people killed will be matched though.


Stop trying to quantize the amount of people "white christians" have killed. It's impossible to compare that number to how many have died through islamic violence through history.


You're almost being racist here. WHITE christians? what about brown, yellow, black christians? You're attacking ethnic groups of a colour, not the theology that drives them.


Most of those yellow/brown/black christians are christians because they were converted at the end of the barrell of a gun or with financial incentives (i'm not counting black ethiopians and the many arab christians). And it was aggressive european ancestry christians that killed and enslaved much of the world's indigenous populations - usually with the bible as the justification. The white africkaners, who ran apartheid, used the bible as their justification for apartheid and their viciousness against non-whites - to this day they are among the most religous 'white' people on the planet.

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Just want to clarify one thing (and I lived in Germany for the past four years, so received quite an education in German history): the Nazis were NOT Christian. They even imprisoned priests for goodness sakes! I visited Dachau and saw records of the number of priests and other religious individuals who were sent to the concentration camps.


So please do not say it was Christians who killed the Jews during the holocaust. The Nazis were not Christian at all. Their only "religion" was the state and their political party.

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Just want to clarify one thing (and I lived in Germany for the past four years, so received quite an education in German history): the Nazis were NOT Christian. They even imprisoned priests for goodness sakes! I visited Dachau and saw records of the number of priests and other religious individuals who were sent to the concentration camps.


So please do not say it was Christians who killed the Jews during the holocaust. The Nazis were not Christian at all. Their only "religion" was the state and their political party.


Both the Nazis and Adolf Hitler were Christian, FYI.

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Just want to clarify one thing (and I lived in Germany for the past four years, so received quite an education in German history): the Nazis were NOT Christian. They even imprisoned priests for goodness sakes! I visited Dachau and saw records of the number of priests and other religious individuals who were sent to the concentration camps.


So please do not say it was Christians who killed the Jews during the holocaust. The Nazis were not Christian at all. Their only "religion" was the state and their political party.


I am a christian, and the nazis were christians. They did not base their beliefs entirely on the bible, but their hatred of jews was heavily religion based - and widespread hatred of jews in europe was usually espoused by priests and reverends, who usued the bible to justify their anti-semitism and murderous desires. Don't be naive to think otherwise.

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The feelings that led to mass murder in Germany did not die down entirely - those mass murdering grandparents passed on those feelings to their kids and grandkids. It's just the political climate and modern culture of europe does not allow vile anti-semitic discourse anymore. Unfortunately, anti-moslem discourse is now pretty well encouraged.


Oh please, I lived in Germany for the past four years, and believe me, they never had such feelings and so those feelings have not been passed on to the younger generations. If anything, they feel absolutely horrible for what their country did - many of them were just simple soldiers following orders, and they believed they were fighting to preserve their country. They had no idea what was happening in the concentration camps, or what the actual motives of their political leaders were. They believed they were fighting for their lives.


You do realize that until the Nazis came to power, Germany was actually one of the most tolerant of the European countries? Jews fought in the German army in WWI for goodness sakes - I've seen the gravestones at WWI cemeteries in Europe. Jews were very well respected members of German society until the Nazis came to power, and many held prestigious positions in areas such as academia and medicine. I won't get into a whole lecture here about why the Nazis were able to successfully take power and turn the population against the Jews, but needless to say, it's not simple, and has a lot to do with the economic situation in Germany before the second World War, and how Germany was treated at the end of the first World War.

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Both the Nazis and Adolf Hitler were Christian, FYI.


Not according to the German history I've learned, in Germany, for the past four years!


They may have been Christian before becoming Nazis, but they certainly weren't Christian once they become Nazis!


For goodness sakes, are you telling me all the names of the people who were imprisoned in Dachau for being priests and Christians are fakes?

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I am a christian, and the nazis were christians. They did not base their beliefs entirely on the bible, but their hatred of jews was heavily religion based - and widespread hatred of jews in europe was usually espoused by priests and reverends, who usued the bible to justify their anti-semitism and murderous desires. Don't be naive to think otherwise.


I'm not naive, but I've lived in Germany for the past four years, and visited Dachau. I saw the names of all the Christian victims of the Nazis. I saw the names of the priests sent to concentration camps for being Christian.


The Nazis were definitely not Christian.

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