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The Official May 13 Countdown Thread

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I'm currently sitting at a year and counting on the long distance front! It is totally possible!


It can be hard, but so far I'd say it's 100% worth it :)


Agreed! I did long distance for 2 years with my current bf, and will probably go back to long distance this fall. It can suck sometimes but it's totally do-able. and when you do get to see each other in person it's so so much fun

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I'm happy to know that long distance relationships are completely possible. My dilemma is whether or not I'd be okay with being in a long distance relationship for 4+ years. Especially because going through med school would be such a significant part of my life that I would want my bf to be with me as I'm going through it. And I'd want to be there for him as he goes through his program. However I do believe LD relationships are possible if you love the other person and you already have a strong foundation prior to.

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Anyone else's heart jump yesterday upon reading "...blah blah blah...OFFER..." in the title of yesterdays offer reminder email from UBC adcom? Because mine sure did!


All I read was "Offers of Admission" and I had the exact same reaction :)


I think it took me a full 5 minutes to calm back down...my anxiety seems to be increasing exponentially as May 13 approaches!!

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angelina got a white one just like that on the last season of jersey shore...


Clearly I need to find better ways to cope with stress haha


To keep my mind off of things, I went and bought myself a shiny new watch.




What do you think?


DISCLAIMER: I do not work for Fossil.


Also, 27 days to go!

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25 more days people!


That's 12 more in April and 13 in May...


Or, 4 days until Easter long weekend... then 4 glorious days off and then only 18 days.


Or about 600 hours...


36000 minutes...


216000 seconds...


Not that I'm counting.


atta boy hking, im proud of you for resisting the urge to count. way to stay strong!

17 days for ontario!

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I am in the same position with my relationship - we don't know what's going to happen at all.


I went for the single thing. Now I dont have to feel guilty for well, being me.


I was really hoping for an interview offer so that I wouldn't have to confront ending a relationship. I was hoping if I got in that it would fizzle out on its own...


I did long distance for a long time, and he was on a ship with no email, sat phone was $20/minute, so I have a stack of very lovely snail-mail letters from that time. They're really precious to me. :)


Long story short, I was too immature to handle a long distance relationship at the time, but it's certainly doable. :)

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4 more days until freedom!!!!!!!!!!!! Just 2 more exams left. I haven't even had time to think about May 13th I've been so busy. I guess that's good since time has flown by. I just need to get through these next 2 exams and then I have the whole summer off-first ever summer off since starting University :) I'm really looking forward to a break!!! Hope all is well with everyone else!!!

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I started counting down the day after my interview (Feb 12) which was like 65 days ago... I can't believe I have survived this long. I am normally a patient guy (although from my posts on this thread I doubt anyone here will believe that) but this has been way too long. Thank goodness we are getting so close to D-Day. It's like someone is waxing my armpit and they are pulling ever so slowly just because they like seeing me in pain, D-Day is the last tug... it may still hurt really bad after (no acceptance) but at least I can start to regain sanity, and if I get in I will be so overjoyed that the pulling is over that I will forget allll about the pain I just went through!

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I started counting down the day after my interview (Feb 12) which was like 65 days ago... I can't believe I have survived this long. I am normally a patient guy (although from my posts on this thread I doubt anyone here will believe that) but this has been way too long. Thank goodness we are getting so close to D-Day. It's like someone is waxing my armpit and they are pulling ever so slowly just because they like seeing me in pain, D-Day is the last tug... it may still hurt really bad after (no acceptance) but at least I can start to regain sanity, and if I get in I will be so overjoyed that the pulling is over that I will forget allll about the pain I just went through!


i still stand by my analogy... waiting for med school is like pregancy.


you start out really excited... then after about 5 or 6 months you start to wonder what it will be like... then at about 8 months onward you're just thinking get this thing over with already. the only major difference is that for med school it's like were gestating a baby elephant...

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lol....thats an interesting analogy :P


I started counting down the day after my interview (Feb 12) which was like 65 days ago... I can't believe I have survived this long. I am normally a patient guy (although from my posts on this thread I doubt anyone here will believe that) but this has been way too long. Thank goodness we are getting so close to D-Day. It's like someone is waxing my armpit and they are pulling ever so slowly just because they like seeing me in pain, D-Day is the last tug... it may still hurt really bad after (no acceptance) but at least I can start to regain sanity, and if I get in I will be so overjoyed that the pulling is over that I will forget allll about the pain I just went through!
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i still stand by my analogy... waiting for med school is like pregancy.


you start out really excited... then after about 5 or 6 months you start to wonder what it will be like... then at about 8 months onward you're just thinking get this thing over with already. the only major difference is that for med school it's like were gestating a baby elephant...


...so what would be analogous to being wait listed? Going way past your due date only to find out later that you weren't really pregnant, you just ate a REALLY big lunch?

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...so what would be analogous to being wait listed? Going way past your due date only to find out later that you weren't really pregnant, you just ate a REALLY big lunch?


well, if we really want to explore it we could say something like this.


accepted- gave birth to a beautiful little elephant

waitlisted- overdue giant elephant

regrets- turns out you just had really bad indigestion, but you learned from the experience and realized that you want to have a baby elephant... just not this year


regrets after waitlist- you thought you were pregnant with an elephant, the doctors thought you were pregnant with an elephant, but you really had a gas bubble in the shape of an elephant. the experience made you slightly more cynical towards having a baby elephant, but you were pretty happy with the feelings you had and the overall experience was positive... you want to have that baby elephant!


refused offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you're more of a cheetah kind of person... so you went to law school instead.


deferred offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you just weren't ready to care for it so some supports were put in place and you are able to see your baby elephant on weekends until you are ready to take the plunge.


I think that's a pretty good breakdown.


Add to it if you feel like I've missed something.


Edit: Fooood Babbbyyyyy

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well, if we really want to explore it we could say something like this.


accepted- gave birth to a beautiful little elephant

waitlisted- overdue giant elephant

regrets- turns out you just had really bad indigestion, but you learned from the experience and realized that you want to have a baby elephant... just not this year


regrets after waitlist- you thought you were pregnant with an elephant, the doctors thought you were pregnant with an elephant, but you really had a gas bubble in the shape of an elephant. the experience made you slightly more cynical towards having a baby elephant, but you were pretty happy with the feelings you had and the overall experience was positive... you want to have that baby elephant!


refused offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you're more of a cheetah kind of person... so you went to law school instead.


deferred offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you just weren't ready to care for it so some supports were put in place and you are able to see your baby elephant on weekends until you are ready to take the plunge.


I think that's a pretty good breakdown.


Add to it if you feel like I've missed something.


Edit: Fooood Babbbyyyyy


bahahahaha, this is brilliant! Thank you for making my day a lot more entertaining

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well, if we really want to explore it we could say something like this.


accepted- gave birth to a beautiful little elephant

waitlisted- overdue giant elephant

regrets- turns out you just had really bad indigestion, but you learned from the experience and realized that you want to have a baby elephant... just not this year


regrets after waitlist- you thought you were pregnant with an elephant, the doctors thought you were pregnant with an elephant, but you really had a gas bubble in the shape of an elephant. the experience made you slightly more cynical towards having a baby elephant, but you were pretty happy with the feelings you had and the overall experience was positive... you want to have that baby elephant!


refused offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you're more of a cheetah kind of person... so you went to law school instead.


deferred offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you just weren't ready to care for it so some supports were put in place and you are able to see your baby elephant on weekends until you are ready to take the plunge.


I think that's a pretty good breakdown.


Add to it if you feel like I've missed something.


Edit: Fooood Babbbyyyyy

hahaha. Now I'm thinking about baby elephants.
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well, if we really want to explore it we could say something like this.


accepted- gave birth to a beautiful little elephant

waitlisted- overdue giant elephant

regrets- turns out you just had really bad indigestion, but you learned from the experience and realized that you want to have a baby elephant... just not this year


regrets after waitlist- you thought you were pregnant with an elephant, the doctors thought you were pregnant with an elephant, but you really had a gas bubble in the shape of an elephant. the experience made you slightly more cynical towards having a baby elephant, but you were pretty happy with the feelings you had and the overall experience was positive... you want to have that baby elephant!


refused offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you're more of a cheetah kind of person... so you went to law school instead.


deferred offer- you gave birth to your baby elephant, but you just weren't ready to care for it so some supports were put in place and you are able to see your baby elephant on weekends until you are ready to take the plunge.


I think that's a pretty good breakdown.


Add to it if you feel like I've missed something.


Edit: Fooood Babbbyyyyy


I'm amazed at how well the analogy works on so many different levels. Definitely one of the best posts I've read.


Knee surgery and multiple trips to Montreal have helped keep my mind off my elephant. I can feel it kicking, but still worry it's just gas. If it is just gas I think I'll move to Alberta and try to have my elephant there.

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bahahahaha, this is brilliant! Thank you for making my day a lot more entertaining


hahaha. Now I'm thinking about baby elephants.


I'm amazed at how well the analogy works on so many different levels. Definitely one of the best posts I've read.


Knee surgery and multiple trips to Montreal have helped keep my mind off my elephant. I can feel it kicking, but still worry it's just gas. If it is just gas I think I'll move to Alberta and try to have my elephant there.


love it! sums it up perfectly! :eek:



thanks gang. i'm glad people like it!


just trying to avoid saying i am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6... crazy going slowly am i 6 5 4 3 2 1 ;) thanks for that one blue.

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