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UofT Interview discussion - 2012

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so did anyone or heard of anyone getting rejection letters? I am a little confused. Some people say they don't send rejections till they review all the files but some people say they already sent out 1100 rejections


They haven't sent any rejections yet- if they have, some of us would definitely know about it. They do send out a big batch of rejections early (probably some time this week), and subsequent invites/regrets that follow until April as they continue reviewing.


Not necessarily- it just means your file hasn't been reviewed yet, I guess. U of T admissions only (fully) reviews about ~1600 files (this is from a couple of years ago) out of ~3000+ applications. The first huge batch of rejections would comprise of applications they haven't bothered to look at+ applications with full file review which didn't meet interview standards... they continue file reviews until march-april, which is why invites/regrets continue until then, and they pretty much send them as soon as they get file review results.
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Just wondering, does U of T use sort of a rolling admission? The number of interview later will depend on how many they accept on the way...no?


They don't do rolling admissions, just rolling interview invitations- the number of interviews does not depend on interviews already conducted, as they have a fixed number of interviews for each cycle. They send out all acceptances in May along with other universities, at which point all interview results and applicant stats are compiled and acceptance/rejection decisions are made.

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Last year there were two batches of acceptance if I recall correctly. I was invited near end of Feb as a grad applicant while others heard back in January. I suppose I got the later news because of my grad status, not geographic location.


I think you just got later news because they got to your application later. They simply didn't read your application until later.

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New update on Twitter:


UTMedAdmissions Deborah L Coombs

We'll keep rolling w invites as we make decisions, but won't be promising any dates or timelines other than "thru late March" Pls don't ask!


3 hours ago

Have spoken with Leslie and she confirms that she sent out the first of the interview invitations late yesterday.

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You should calm down. It looks like interviews went out for the first weekend (Feb 18-19). There are a total of 9 interview days and 550 projected interviewees. If you do the calculation, that should give about 60 interviewees/day or 120 interviews handed out yesterday (I have not taken into account half-day interviews). If Deborah sends the same number of rejections as last year (1100), you will have 1780 applicants remaining from a pool of 3000 initial applicants. These 1780 applicants have their fingers crossed for a remaining 430 interview spots (430/1780) = ~25% chance of an interview post-first batch of rejections. 1 in 4 of us will receive an interview if we survive the impending Coombs massacre. Sounds pretty good, right?


There's the Feb 25th interview weekend as well.


I think we won't be hearing any (bad) news tomorrow: if you search hard enough, you'll find another twitter page (from Deborah) that says she's taking the day off. I'm not trolling either :)


Lol. That eases my anxiety somewhat.

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Just gotta say that I'm a current 1T5 student right now and I come back every so often to see what the boards are up to lol, and it's bringing back reminiscent nervous feelings of last year


I knowww it's tough, but everyone hold in there! Invites may not come out for a while for some of you so try to just keep yourself preoccupied with your classes/theses/work etc so that when the letter does come, it'll be a surprise -- and time will fly by much faster that way


for those with interviews already, i'll see you there on some weekend (once I get my assigned date) :)



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Are all of the interview invites so far for in province? Also, it'd be useful to know when each of you submitted your application to see if they're taking that into account. Good luck to everyone!


They seem to be entirely in province... And time of application is completely irrelevant.

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But to answer your question, UofT gives no preference for location. People from BC are ranked the same as people from Ontario. OOP usually get later interview dates to accommodate travel arrangements (so far we've only heard of the first weekend being emailed).

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Congrats to everyone who got invites so far, and good luck to the rest


I just wanted to say that not ALL invites so far have been in-province. I'm from Quebec, and I got an invite on Tuesday


cGPA:3.84 (not sure what my wGPA is)

MCAT: p11 v11 b12 wO

EC's: graduated in June 2010, so I've been working in academia for about 2 years, and I had pretty decent EC's from undergrad.


I did submit my application pretty early, and my recommendation letters got there early as well. Perhaps, they are letting you know as and when they review your file.

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