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McGill/UdeM Medical School

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McGill seem to be more course based, with small groups. U de M teaching is done with APP- Apprentissages par problèmes.

McGill curriculum schema is here: https://www.mcgill.ca/ugme/files/ugme/mdcm_schema_2020-02-07_en.pdf

For umontrea you can find some info here https://medecine.umontreal.ca/etudes/doctorat-en-medecine/structure-du-programme/ with the student schedule here: https://md.umontreal.ca/. If you click on année préparatoire, préclinique, externat, etc, you will have access to the schedule.

I have no idea about extra curricular activities and residency match.



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6 hours ago, MaudeB said:

McGill seem to be more course based, with small groups. U de M teaching is done with APP- Apprentissages par problèmes.

McGill curriculum schema is here: https://www.mcgill.ca/ugme/files/ugme/mdcm_schema_2020-02-07_en.pdf

For umontrea you can find some info here https://medecine.umontreal.ca/etudes/doctorat-en-medecine/structure-du-programme/ with the student schedule here: https://md.umontreal.ca/. If you click on année préparatoire, préclinique, externat, etc, you will have access to the schedule.

I have no idea about extra curricular activities and residency match.



WoW! thank you so much! this is super helpful :)) I really appreciate it. I will look into all of this!!

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I made a doc comparing both programs as I'm facing the same dilemma. The content is from the information on the uni's websites so, unfortunately, there's no insight from current students. Hope it somewhat helps.


Edit: it doesn't include McGill's Med-P or UdeM's année préparatoire. Editing is allowed so anyone feel free to supplement it!


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44 minutes ago, MK. said:

I made a doc comparing both programs as I'm facing the same dilemma. The content is from the information on the uni's websites so, unfortunately, there's no insight from current students. Hope it somewhat helps.


Goat! Thank you so much for putting this document together.

I’ll add that the preparatory year is very different in both universities as well; UdeM’s année préparatoire is more similar to Y1-Y2 of an MD program whereas McGill’s Med-P curriculum is akin to a regular first-year BSc program with 6 courses each semester (including complementaries and electives).

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2 hours ago, Bambi said:

Being accepted into Med-P at McGill is not an acceptance into medicine, whereas acceptance into the preparatory year at UdeM is an acceptance into medicine. As well, the preparatory year at UdeM prepares you for medicine whereas the Med-P year does not.

There's a pretty high chance of moving on to M1 from Med-P if you put in a minimal amount of work though.

OP if you want to stay in Qc and are aiming for a competitive specialty I would go to UdM, they tend to favour their own and have a pretty good number of positions in many specialties that are more contingentees

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5 hours ago, MK. said:

I made a doc comparing both programs as I'm facing the same dilemma. The content is from the information on the uni's websites so, unfortunately, there's no insight from current students. Hope it somewhat helps.


Edit: it doesn't include McGill's Med-P or UdeM's année préparatoire. Editing is allowed so anyone feel free to supplement it!


okay, but like, why is this the most beautiful Google Docs I’ve ever seen in my life! thank you so much, honestly, this is super helpful :))

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17 hours ago, whatisgoingon said:

There's a pretty high chance of moving on to M1 from Med-P if you put in a minimal amount of work though.

OP if you want to stay in Qc and are aiming for a competitive specialty I would go to UdM, they tend to favour their own and have a pretty good number of positions in many specialties that are more contingentees

Is it hard to match outside of Quebec out of UdeM? 

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36 minutes ago, LauraLes said:

Is it hard to match outside of Quebec out of UdeM? 

I don't think so, it's just that UdM students tend to want to stay. Not so many apply outside of QC.

As to whether they favor Montreal over Trois-Rivieres, I highly doubt it. If there is an advantage it may just be related to getting letters and exposure to the PDs which are essentially all in Montreal as far as I know

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