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I would have 2 choices. Negotiate prices or don't. Why in the world would I be angry?


because this guys stepping into YOUR house and bossing you around when YOU'RE the seller... maybe you're just too friendly :rolleyes:

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lol this has nothing to do with cheating, but does anyone else hate it when someone is on the quiet section of the library and are trying to study, when some inconsiderate fool starts yacking loudly on their cellphone, disrupting everyone in the quiet section?


I actually decided to do something the other day about it. Most often someone might complain and the person on the phone gets mad as if they had a right to talk loudly and disrupt people in the quiet section. So instead I walked up to him, said "time to leave" then put him in a full nelson and walked him out of the library. lol you should have seen the librarian's face.


Really it was rude for me to do that, but he shouldn't have been there in the first place.

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lol this has nothing to do with cheating, but does anyone else hate it when someone is on the quiet section of the library and are trying to study, when some inconsiderate fool starts yacking loudly on their cellphone, disrupting everyone in the quiet section?



I actually decided to do something the other day about it. Most often someone might complain and the person on the phone gets mad as if they had a right to talk loudly and disrupt people in the quiet section. So instead I walked up to him, said "time to leave" then put him in a full nelson and walked him out of the library. lol you should have seen the librarian's face.


Really it was rude for me to do that, but he shouldn't have been there in the first place.

That is amazing?
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lol this has nothing to do with cheating, but does anyone else hate it when someone is on the quiet section of the library and are trying to study, when some inconsiderate fool starts yacking loudly on their cellphone, disrupting everyone in the quiet section?


I actually decided to do something the other day about it. Most often someone might complain and the person on the phone gets mad as if they had a right to talk loudly and disrupt people in the quiet section. So instead I walked up to him, said "time to leave" then put him in a full nelson and walked him out of the library. lol you should have seen the librarian's face.


Really it was rude for me to do that, but he shouldn't have been there in the first place.



ehhhhhh really? I'm surprised you aren't being charged for assault

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lol this has nothing to do with cheating, but does anyone else hate it when someone is on the quiet section of the library and are trying to study, when some inconsiderate fool starts yacking loudly on their cellphone, disrupting everyone in the quiet section?


I actually decided to do something the other day about it. Most often someone might complain and the person on the phone gets mad as if they had a right to talk loudly and disrupt people in the quiet section. So instead I walked up to him, said "time to leave" then put him in a full nelson and walked him out of the library. lol you should have seen the librarian's face.


Really it was rude for me to do that, but he shouldn't have been there in the first place.


I don't believe you.

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  • 4 months later...

I've already seen people in the library HIDE BOOKS that are in demand in the fake ceilings so that no body other than them have access to these books. I've also witnessed competitive roaches who don't deserve to get into med school rip key pages out of important reference books so that no body can have access to them.

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  • 1 year later...

lol that's more of a common troll rather than annoying premed ;)


Not premed related but I was quite shocked at the behavior of some students at my uni when the prof decided to try out some online lecture software.

Basically the slides would be shown, and everyone had to register an account to be able to chat with the prof, TAs or the whole class.

Anonymity + chat + prof and the rest of the class = all sorts of vulgar, racist, sexist remarks...

But apparently some of the people used their uni emails to register for the accounts and did not have the last laugh :D

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he was just trying to negotiate, that's not unethical, if you disagree with the price just simply say sorry, i'm not interested, i just sold a very expensive guitar and had one guy tell me it was a "girls guitar" and then low ball me (it was just a light gibson les paul that was pink), and I asked him why he would want to buy a girl guitar if he found the thought devaluating, interestingly he had no response... i just said sorry, not for sale... he missed out on one of the lightest les pauls ever made, run for only one year, i easily found a reasonable offer a couple days later... it's just business


Life has a way of balancing itself out and giving its own rewards. Creeps who cheat/act unethical won't stop and sooner or later they get caught in life. I made a deal to sell texts at a fair price to a student who was going to take my courses. He showed up at my home the day before classes began and demanded a hefty reduction in price, explaining to me that it was now too late for me to sell to any other student and I had no choice. I simply stared this dishonest, unethical cockroach down and told him "you will definitely be a failure in life with your ethics, I will give my texts away gladly rather than deal with the likes of you, you unethical b...ard" and slammed the door in his face. For openers, he had to buy new texts at full price, he lost access to my course notes and I spread the word of his unethical actions, thereby giving him the rep on campus that he deserves. He has thus far outsmarted himself. Heaven forbid that he gets into medicine.
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I have a hard time believing that this is true. I'm just imagining getting my test back which I knew I smoked to open it up to see:


a.) a 57, and

b.) a chick's handwriting


I don't see how someone would just take this at "there's nothing I can do" from the prof. Why not just show them that this isn't your handwriting? Show them some of your other course materials that were dated before the test.


I hear stories like this and I just can't fathom how people just cope with it. Need I remind people of the poster whose prof apparently "lost their final exam" so counted it as a zero, giving them a 30 in biology and then telling them that they are a "much better student than to get a 30". I'd take this as high up as I could to get this girl kicked out of uni.


That's without saying that this teacher was either idiot or careless.

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Someone please tell me this stories are made up. There is no way people could backstab this much and still think they would be good doctors. I mean on some level they must know what they are doing is wrong....right? RIGHT?!?!


Well, they know they will get a lot of $$$ of they become doctors (good or bad), so why should they care?

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I've not experienced anything personally at UofT so far. I've seen some fanatics but I stay farrrr away.


It's worrisome that the system is forcing selection in the wrong direction. And people that think interviews will weed these peeps out- don't delude yourselves. I know people capable of lying perfectly well. I've seen people talking to patients very sincerely during my shifts, who talk sh!t afterwards in the changing rooms.

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shouldn't the chemicals be labelled though? unless someone somehow emptied the chemicals from all the containers and switched them around without the prof and students noticing


don't need to switch all of them, just contaminate them with the right counter chemical to miss up somewhat (the key is somewhat) one of the intermediate results along the chain of your reaction (this actually takes an understanding of chemistry, which of of course uber keeners would have). Then arrive early to the lab, get your stuff first, and then sabotage the rest. Your results looks awesome, while everyone else has an impure result.


Similarly a few drops of antibiotic (left over from a sore throat) or introducing another strain in the wrong container in microbiology can really kill the classes results overall.


There are no end to the crap I have heard about, but still usually people are anywhere near that extreme :) At some point there is a risk versus reward thing kicking in - even for psychopaths.

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