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How did Vancouver reach the SCF playing this horrible?? Or were they playing better before? Even in their 2 wins they didn't really look that hot :/ Right now the Bruins are playing much better, but wish both teams would lose the antics.
After the Chicago series, Luongo was actually pretty decent (and that's like a compliment coming from me). He was even playing at a level that had him being considered for the Conn by some people. Plus, losing Hamhuis is hurting the team, especially Bieksa. And the Sedins are being shut down really well by Boston. Point is, this doesn't look like the team that played San Jose.



Thanks for the turnover, Ballard. Thanks for the bad pinches, Salo. Thanks for not stepping it up when it's most needed, Sedins.


Entire team is playing brutally right now. Including Luongo.

Where's Tanev? Is he hurt? Because i see no other reason not to play him, especially since Ballard's in. Bieksa with Ballard made me lol.
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If we don't win tonight, we are done. Hopefully home ice brings a little more spunk to these players who are just so awful right now.


If Schneider isn't starting, oh man.. rage will be had

Then get ready to rage. AV said Luongo's his guy yesterday. Of course, he can change his mind, but I don't think so.
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Then get ready to rage. AV said Luongo's his guy yesterday. Of course, he can change his mind, but I don't think so.
He said the same thing after game 5 with Chicago only to put in Schneider by surprise.


Anyway, Tanev is an AHLer and AV is probably shying away from that.

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Get your head out of the sand you meatbags. the fact that the bruins play out of boston and the nucks play out of vancouver doesnt mean that a win for whichever team is a respective win for that team's country. whatever team wins it is a win for canada... why? because 90% of each team's roster is comprised of canadian players- in fact i believe boston has even more canadian players. so for anyone who's thinking that i should cheer for vancouver because theyre in canada- no. the team's are both primarily canadian regardless of where they play out of. so stop using that flawed reasoning. they could be the hong kong canucks or the canberra bruins and it would still be a win for canada.

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Should I not cheer for Vancouver then since none of them come from Vancouver? That's silly. They represent Vancouver. Some people think that they also represent Canada now since it's been a very long time a Canadian franchise has won the Stanley Cup. Those people want the cup to return to Canada. Vancouverites want their first cup win from players that represent and care about the city.


Personally, I don't care what the rest of Canada thinks about our team. Seems to me that most of the hate comes from Ontarians and Albertans.

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Should I not cheer for Vancouver then since none of them come from Vancouver? That's silly. They represent Vancouver. Some people think that they also represent Canada now since it's been a very long time a Canadian franchise has won the Stanley Cup. Those people want the cup to return to Canada. Vancouverites want their first cup win from players that represent and care about the city.


Personally, I don't care what the rest of Canada thinks about our team. Seems to me that most of the hate comes from Ontarians and Albertans.


You're right I forgot to specify. If you're from or living in Van or have another reason for cheering them on it's all good. But it's all the other canadians jumping on the b-wagon who are bothering me using the aforementioned reasoning. But the second part i dont agree with... about the cup returning to canada. completely irrelevant. chicago who won the cup last year was also primarily canadian... the fact that chicago is not in canada is meaningless. it makes me laugh because all the americans say what you said about a canadian franchise not winning the cup therefore the US is better at hockey and canada sucks at hockey. when in fact canadians have been winning the cup since it began being awarded because any team that wins the cup (with the exception of detroit in recent years) has been made up of mostly canadian hockey players born and bred.


you kind of missed my point... i never said you couldnt cheer them on. i said dont cheer them on if your sole reason for doing so is that you think it's patriotic (i.e. a win for Canada). theyre representing vancouver, as you said. not canada.

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people can cheer for teams for whatever reason they want, how is their reasoning any less valid than yours? by your reasoning why should vancouverites be allowed to cheer for vancouver if the majority of their team is say swedish, or any other nationalitity? i'm sure most of the detroit red wings are european yet people from detroit and abroad cheer for them (they're one of my favourite teams). why not cheer for a canadian team? how do you delineate which individuals a team represents, how can you get criterion validity on that, it's impossible, except for self identification!


who are you tell my or anyone who to cheer for? i cheered for tampa and boston because of roloson and thomas, i really look up to these guys and their determined, never give up, hard working, get right back up approach to life... am i an idiot because i use to cheer for my favourite goalies teams?


you should go to Spain and see how people celebrated when Barcelona beat Man U, lol.


don't take post modernist english for intro english if you have to take one, you wont have a fun time ;)


you kind of missed my point... i never said you couldnt cheer them on. i said dont cheer them on if your sole reason for doing so is that you think it's patriotic (i.e. a win for Canada). theyre representing vancouver, as you said. not canada.
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Get your head out of the sand you meatbags. the fact that the bruins play out of boston and the nucks play out of vancouver doesnt mean that a win for whichever team is a respective win for that team's country. whatever team wins it is a win for canada... why? because 90% of each team's roster is comprised of canadian players- in fact i believe boston has even more canadian players. so for anyone who's thinking that i should cheer for vancouver because theyre in canada- no. the team's are both primarily canadian regardless of where they play out of. so stop using that flawed reasoning. they could be the hong kong canucks or the canberra bruins and it would still be a win for canada.
This was already discussed a bit in the nhl playoffs thread. So I'm merging this post into that one. We don't need more than one thread about hockey/vancouver/cheering for a team.
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