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2012 Applicant thread

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My references are have been so solid for me (former employer and prof) not just for the time I spent with them, but even after. If I can't count on them, there's no one. It can't be that. I didn't use my clinic because my bro in law owns/operates the clinic: I figured it'd be conflict of interest if I used him as a ref. Didn't use my hospital ref because I didn't want a generic letter written by administration. Though I was there for over a year I didn't work under anyone per se, so I figured I'd use two people who really know me/my character. Besides, I put in the hours in both places, and that can be verified.


Other factors I'm thinking about (probably over thinking):


I was suspended in first year due to poor grades. But I did the necessary work to get back in and after than had a GPA that increased steadily every year to the point where I have a solid sGPA. Even though you last 20 credits matter, I wonder if this was a flag?


Maybe it's the fact I'm taking anatomy/physiology now. Though I have a BSc, my program does not have anatomy/physio as a part of it, but every other bio and chem course under the sun. Maybe they didnt like that fact im just taking it now.


To be 100% truthful, my intention when I started undergrad like many science students was med school. Failing first year put an end to that, as all but a few schools look at cGPA. Still I held on hope for UWO and Queens med because they look at last two/two best years, provided they are 3.7+ which I managed, but the damn MCAT reqs always kept me from getting an interview there (much like PT, if you make the cuts, you got an interview, though Queens seems to be moving away from this formula).


Anyway, realizing getting into med was an uphill climb, I looked into other professions. PT seemed like a good fit, and it looked like I had a chance, but needed anatomy pre req. by then though it was last Oct, and getting the pre req's before deadline was impossible. So I set my sights for this application year, taking my 1 year full credit in anatomy/physio, as well as doing volunteering. Maybe that for them was an issue. The bull**** thing is I'll never know.


Alright, so this is getting really long. Whatever.

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That sucks soup. I feel for ya. I'm still thinking it's one of your references...You say they're solid but UT is firm on subGPA calculation solely on last 20 credits. Your first year marks or suspension should not affect you. In fact, if that did affect your application, they wouldn't tell you to apply again next year right? There's no way you can "improve" on an already permanent suspension on your record. Another reason why I think it's one of your refs is b/c of your other pt. Taking anatomy/physiology right now shouldn't affect anything. I'm sure there are plenty of applicants who made it in by taking their prereqs outside their degree at this moment. Just my 2cents.



You still have a good shot at UWO and mac and don't discount yourself from queen's -- you never know man. Head up!

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you can check on the ORPAS website but im 99% certain your one reference for Toronto HAD to be "professional" as in someone from health care. I have heard from past successful candidates that they like this to be someone in PT, AT, chiro etc.... a normal employer is not what they wanted. I see this as your reason for not being offered an interview.


I dont know who your employer was... only you know how related he/she may have been to the allied health profession

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you can check on the ORPAS website but im 99% certain your one reference for Toronto HAD to be "professional" as in someone from health care.


From UofT:


The department requires one academic reference and one professional reference. Both referees should be individuals who can address the applicant’s aptitude for studies in a health profession. Referees should also have direct knowledge of the applicant and are in a position to reasonably make statements concerning the applicant’s character, communication and academic capabilities, and special circumstances if applicable.* Examples of academic references include professors or instructors from a university setting.* A common example of a professional reference is a supervisor in either a volunteer or employment setting


They don't explicitly state if it has to be a professional in rehab, but if so, why not come out and say it? But the more you guys mention refs, i'm thinking that's what did me in. The crappy thing is if I had my bro in law write for me and they found out there could have been repercussions. Ugh....


My ref was my my supervisor whom I worked for in a government agency (environmental) for 5 years worth of co-op work terms. She knows me better than anyone I could have picked, I figured they would want someone who could really speak on who I am, particularly on my character, communication, etc


Whatever the case thanks to you all for your thoughts. Like I said earlier in the thread, while UofT was my first choice I really just want to get into PT now, so hopefully it works out. Just the fact 1 of the 4 schools are out just makes it that much harder for me now.


I guess if my refs are the thorn in my side, at least Mac doesn't require any. How it will impact UWO and QU remains to be seen, though it can't be doing me any good if that's the reason why UofT rejected me.


Excuse me while I pound back some hard alcohol. Thanks again all, and good luck with the CAP.

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hey soup i'm sorry four your ordeal


i think it's most likely that you haven't taken the anatomy/physiology pre-reqs. i think they require you to take it prior to applying.

you still have a good shot at queen's and western!! i think your gpa is very, very competitive, so don't be too down on yourself

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Both referees should be individuals who can address the applicant’s aptitude for studies in a health profession


environmental unfortunately isnt this...


True, but between that and family/friend (which is not allowed), I didn't really have a choice. Besides there are many attributes common to working in public service that are applicable to health (communication skills, empathy, leadership, etc) as well as studying at the grad level (self directed/motivated, problem solving, etc). Also what about academic refs? Can an inorganic chem prof be an individual to assess one's ability to be a health professional? What about a sociology/psychology prof? Someone of us don't have the same access to refs as others. Moreover, would they just reject me on that, not even at least say give us another ref, one related to health? Thanks though for providing your insight into the situation.


I think what Jonny is alluding to (a 'bad') ref seems more plausible, but like I said, these people have been too good to me to do anything like that. Most importantly though, a 'file review' isn't for this stage yet. It supposed to be about sGPA right? Then again, if the red says 'OMG don't let this guy in he's a nutcase' then I can see why the might pass on to the next applicant, even if said person had a 4.0

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hey soup i'm sorry four your ordeal


i think it's most likely that you haven't taken the anatomy/physiology pre-reqs. i think they require you to take it prior to applying.

you still have a good shot at queen's and western!! i think your gpa is very, very competitive, so don't be too down on yourself


They say you can be in the process of doing them as long as they are done by May 31, 2012 - in fact they marks won't even matter if such courses were completed after Dec 2011. But then again, who knows.


Thanks though and hopefully it works out for me somewhere. I see UWO doesn't seem as concerned with refs as UofT, just saying have 2, and make sure one is academic, so that makes me feel a bit better.

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Guest Physioprospect

You can argue all you want about what references should be adequate and which shouldn't buy at the end of the day the schools set out these guidelines for a reason. If you new so far in advance of the requirements you should have worked with a professional that was not in a conflict of interest. Saying I had no other choice than to use a reference that did not meet the requirements is just like saying I don't have a university fdegree to meet the requirments so I'll just send them my high school transcript... Not gonna work. Sorry if this seems harsh just my point of view. Best of luck with your other options.

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Soup boy, it can't be your reference because my non-academic reference was from a place where I volunteer (not health related).

That really really sucks but with your sGPA, you have a great chance of getting into western! hopefully things will work out. cheer up!

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to the few posts above me - i'm hoping someone could please help me out or clarify this for me - are you guys referring to the average GPA of accepted applicants as the "cutoff"? i'm just a bit confused because these are technically two different things, right? because you can have a GPA like 3.5 and still get in if you had a good MMI score (of course there are only a few cases like this), so technically there is no "cut-off"......or am i wrong?

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u need the cutoff as mentioned above to get an interview... from there someone with say a 3.72(the cutoff) may get in over someone with 3.99 gpa...no one as far as I know will get full offer to the program if under the interview cutoff... the waitlisted people will still have been those who conducted an MMI

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Does anyone know how much weight is given to the personal information score for Queens PT?


They weight it quite significantly. Probably the most of all of the universities since they only use the 3.40 application cutoff before looking at the profiles.

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They weight it quite significantly. Probably the most of all of the universities since they only use the 3.40 application cutoff before looking at the profiles.


What do you mean by 3.40? I think I saw somewhere that Queen's took students in with 2.90

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