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in 12 hours I have what could possibly be the most challenging final exam of my university career...



...not loving life right now


Break a leg Mike!


I almost covered my entire biochem of genetic disease course in one day today. Now tomorrow will memorize like crazy and pray that by 7pm Wednesday, I have mastered it. So tiredd... but want to finish one more lecture. I'm nervous because it's my lowest mark this term and I keep getting lower marks than I am expecting in this course. Hopefully, I'll reverse the trend with my final.

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haha thanks guys! Time to smoke this *****!


Hey Law, in your biochem of genetic disease course, did you guys talk about sickle cell? It's just that I've been in like 3-4 classes know where the prof is like:


"but you see, in some instances you are actually at an advantage to be heterozygous for a defective gene"


and then, as predicted EVERY time, the next slide is about sickle cell, hahah

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haha thanks guys! Time to smoke this *****!


Hey Law, in your biochem of genetic disease course, did you guys talk about sickle cell? It's just that I've been in like 3-4 classes know where the prof is like:


"but you see, in some instances you are actually at an advantage to be heterozygous for a defective gene"


and then, as predicted EVERY time, the next slide is about sickle cell, hahah


Haha... we actually didn't cover sickle cell. Covered a lot of interesting things though! :)


LOL... but that made me remember, I remember heterozygous advantage being very briefly mentioned and someone putting their hand up to say "sickle cell" is one example... and I remember rolling my eyes when my prof asked because THEY ALWAYS USE IT AS AN EXAMPLE... give us a new one! GRR lol.


K, finished another lecture. Edited my letter of intent for the grad program I'm applying too. Now I can't even think, so will have to edit it one final time tomorrow.


I NEED SLEEP, the fricken sun is out! adios and kill that motherf****in test. :P

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haha, solid.


there's a 4th year biochem course at my uni where your group has to make a 12-14 minute video about a disease (and it can be as funny as you want it to be)


anyways this year a group of people did cholera, and in the video this girl gets ill and she's talking to a paramedic and he asks her to describe her symptoms and she said, without cracking a smile "see... I just don't get it... here I was, at the bar with my friends, enjoying my night... when all of a sudden I just get plagued with rice-watery stool!"








side note: my neuroscience final was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. 1 down, 4 to go!!

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Ok so I found the best table to study for finals. In hidden among the bookstacks in the medical library and any noise is absorbed by all the books around me.


It's funny because my girlfriend was getting to the library before me this morning, so I said to her "make sure you snag the table between Dermatology and Gynecology!!!"

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I still remember how you messaged me on MSN one day and was like, "I JUST SAW THE SICKEST THING IN THE WORLD! YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!" and I was like, "well, I've probably seen it then..." and indeed, I had.:D


How could I forget, wasn't your home page before some random page with dead bodies...

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How could I forget, wasn't your home page before some random page with dead bodies...


LOL, um, no....:confused: lol.




LOL, I have a hard time sleeping here in the morning because my place is so light and my cats go crazy because there are always pigeons under the roof of the house across from me. So I always end up having some weird dreams/nightmares in the morning. Today I dreamt that I was walking down the street and saw this mangled car by the dumpster, with this older woman inside...she looked all weird, like her head had a huge dent in it or something. There were 2 old people next to her and one of them had a rifle...the old geezer was like, "that's our neighbor, she got into a car crash a week ago and got brain damaged, so now we have to take care of her...but we're sick of it, so we decided we'd just shoot her and put her in the dumpster." Then he lifted the woman's kerchief and you could see that half her head had been blown off...but she was still breathing! LOL, then I saw some young guy walking towards us from the other direction (really hot, btw) and he looked it like "wtf is going on..." but I just kinda winked at him so he wouldn't say anything - the old geezer had a rifle, so I wanted to be safe...lol, anyway, then the 2 old people lifted up the remains of the car (quite effortlessly, I must say) and threw it in the dumpster along with the woman...then they were like, "you have a good rest of the day" and walked away. So the guy and I came up to the dumpster and he was like, "um, we should call 911 or something..." So I dialed but it wouldn't go through for some reason, so we started checking out that woman while I kept trying to call. She said she wasn't actually hurt that bad, and she was able to talk and even sit up on her own (despite half her cranium missing, lol). We were joking around with her and all of sudden I found myself encircled by all those really eager and bright-eyed cops who acted like nothing unusual had happened, they were just curious - for whatever reason, there was no ambulance there yet....




I dunno where my brain comes up with stuff like this.:confused:

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That's a crazy dream! I'm posting from an iphone and man am I slow to type on this. A weird dream I had was that I bit into a rat and it was really hairy! It felt SO real I'm worried I actually did do it! Like I could feel the fur in my mouth but when I woke up there was no evidence I did :rolleyes:


are you sure you didnt bite into law... he's known to be hairy and taste like rat... so ive heard.. ;)

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