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5+ Verifiers Have Been Contacted - Is That Weird?

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Hey, so already 5 people have gotten back to me saying they were asked to verify an activity for me and I know the process is meant to be random but has anyone had the same experience so far? I just feel like they now think my account is sketchy which it shouldn't be as its my second time applying and the activities have not changed since last year (where no one was contacted). 


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Hey, so already 5 people have gotten back to me saying they were asked to verify an activity for me and I know the process is meant to be random but has anyone had the same experience so far? I just feel like they now think my account is sketchy which it shouldn't be as its my second time applying and the activities have not changed since last year (where no one was contacted). 


Hmm i think they only verify the major activities (more than ~100 hours). Can you please share the # of hours of the 5 activities that have been verified?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you actively asking your verifiers if they've been contacted? Is this your first time applying? I'm interested in knowing whether or not they've contacted mine (I only know of one that's been) but I'm a bit hesitant in bugging my supervisors haha. 


My verifiers have contacted me to tell me they were emailed- they included past/present supervisors, old volunteer managers, and others. These are generally people I personally know (as in, I communicate with them on a regular basis) but two have been people I don't know personally (new managers for old volunteer positions, etc). Both employment and NA activities, variable hours 

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Same boat, at least 8+ now have actually communicated to me that they have signed off for me for UBC.


I am scared that one of my verifiers that I haven't spoken too in a while may not verify me, of course they should since I was 100% honest in my app, but I am always skeptical hahaha. The stress of verifiers I guess.

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I wouldn't be surprised if every verifier in the system was contacted through an automatically email generated system.


One of my verifiers wanted me to be there with them when they opened up the email they got from UBC (they aren't that technically inclined). It was an email that had a link to the application system page, it showed the hours/description of the activity and asked the verifier to click "Yes" and type their name in a box.


My guess that this was actually sent to all verifiers. But who knows!

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I wouldn't be surprised if every verifier in the system was contacted through an automatically email generated system.


One of my verifiers wanted me to be there with them when they opened up the email they got from UBC (they aren't that technically inclined). It was an email that had a link to the application system page, it showed the hours/description of the activity and asked the verifier to click "Yes" and type their name in a box.


My guess that this was actually sent to all verifiers. But who knows!

It is not sent to every verifier. I had a family member listed as a verifier for a personal experience, and they were not contacted. 

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