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Cutoffs before invites go out

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I'm just going to assume that they'll come out of Friday (like the pattern), so that I don't have to stress and worry about it until then. Way to much is riding on this and im already getting way to stresed :P


Good luck to everyon, especially you Dee Doc :)

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I heard Schulich is actually closing down next year. So, this application cycle was a huge scam. The word on the street is that the dean took all of the application money and is in the Bahamas now. ;):P


Lolololololololololol.... darn.... guess I have to go to Uchicago now...

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That's pretty impressive Deedoc.You dont hear about too many Canadians getting accepted to Uchicago. Just out of curiosity, why is Western your top choice? And how come U of T is not on your radar?


U of T is on my radar... alas, no interview invite from them yet.


I really like UWO, don't really know how to explain it. I just had a positive experience while there. I'd love to go back. :)

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So, in my weeks of neuroticism waiting for these cutoffs... I've come to some conclusions...


i) UWO is such a TEASE...


ii) If I'm this worked up over it, clearly I want to be a Mustang badly...


iii) They have no idea how worked up we are about these cutoffs...


iv) They will post them when they are ready...


v) Yes, to answer some earlier poster... the MD/PhD students who were rejected this past week indeed have been rejected. Based on their MCAT score, not GPA. Thus, the cutoffs are established at this time. Now, we're just patiently waiting for our turn...



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It is now end of business for today.... greaaaaaaaat.


Nothing yet.


RMorelan... can you find out what is going on?


Yeah I know this is frustrating - and I am beginning to sound like a broken record here!


Nothing all that exciting is going on - things are just proceeding. I think the problem more than anything is just no one has a clear expectation of when the invites will be announced and that mean everyone is checking all the time. If you knew nothing about what happened in the past you would just read the website, hear Feb and only start looking at things recently. Of course that is not what everyone is doing.


One of the reasons the office has that Feb date is to allow them the flexibility on releasing things. Anything can delay them - the new school year starting later than normal, new systems in the office, staff changes and more etc but they aren't actually even late on paper yet as they will argue they said some point in Feb (not Feb 1st, just Feb) so they aren't even late yet. That is great and all but it doesn't help if everyone was expecting a release 2 weeks ago :) I will say as well I know the office is working like crazy on this.


I am really going to push for some sort of a blog update soon from the office to release a clearer picture out there of what is going on in terms of timelines.

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Aslan's roar should have some effect... I think more people need to call and ask them about it tomorrow. They will get annoyed. And then post.


Ha :)


(side note - the office is all working on this - if you bombard them then you are actually taking people away from the very task of preparing the invites and slowing things down)

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