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What's On Your Mind?

Robin Hood

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I have no idea how to feel right now. It seems like every hour I go from being optimistic to pessimistic, then back again.


Good: Four interviews, which seems to make acceptance a near certainty this cycle (especially UWO with SWOMEN and UBC as OOP post-interview).


Bad: If I have to reapply next cycle my application won't be as strong. I've spent the year working full-time (parents cut financial assistance after I graduated), and my work isn't something that'd be helpful on an application I don't think (network support for a large telecom). I'm also taking 3 courses this semesters which are prereqs for UBC and the combination of work, school, the classes being outside of my comfort zone, and interviews has been weighing my grades down (I think my cGPA will potentially fall from 3.89 to 3.83). I've managed to keep somewhat involved with volunteering but there's not much time in my schedule for it. In retrospect I should have looked for a more interesting/relevant work opportunity but at the time I was only thinking it'd be for a year and was pretty confident about getting into med this cycle.


Not really expecting responses, just wanted to post this somewhere. :P None of my good friends are pre-med so I feel like whenever I tell them these things they don't fully understand.


I feel about the same way. The good being that schools where I am interviewing have pretty good post-interview chances of acceptance. But I am anxious that my GPA may fall based on this semester's grades and, given how crazy competitive Ontario has been this year, you can't really count on getting interviews to the same schools again! I'm also worried about what I would do in the intervening year as I apply again.

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I feel about the same way. The good being that schools where I am interviewing have pretty good post-interview chances of acceptance. But I am anxious that my GPA may fall based on this semester's grades and, given how crazy competitive Ontario has been this year, you can't really count on getting interviews to the same schools again! I'm also worried about what I would do in the intervening year as I apply again.


I've recently barred myself from thinking anything but positives thoughts. Have to try and be as optimistic and happy as possible as you are selling yourself at an Interview. A large portion of which is just how you come off.

That being said I am am extremely nervous for this weekend (My big 3 interview weekend) Worried about flights being on time/weather/how the crummy eating will affect my system.

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I've recently barred myself from thinking anything but positives thoughts. Have to try and be as optimistic and happy as possible as you are selling yourself at an Interview. A large portion of which is just how you come off.

That being said I am am extremely nervous for this weekend (My big 3 interview weekend) Worried about flights being on time/weather/how the crummy eating will affect my system.


I'm pretty sure the socials and interviews will cheer me right up. I was on cloud 9 during UBC's. I found that it's pretty easy to picture yourself getting in once you're actually there.


Also, three in one weekend? Which two are on the same day?

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I've recently barred myself from thinking anything but positives thoughts. Have to try and be as optimistic and happy as possible as you are selling yourself at an Interview. A large portion of which is just how you come off.

That being said I am am extremely nervous for this weekend (My big 3 interview weekend) Worried about flights being on time/weather/how the crummy eating will affect my system.


Well if you have 3 interviews on one weekend, at least it'll be short and sweet and you'll get it all over with :)

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I'm pretty sure the socials and interviews will cheer me right up. I was on cloud 9 during UBC's. I found that it's pretty easy to picture yourself getting in once you're actually there.


Also, three in one weekend? Which two are on the same day?


Well not exactly three in one weekend, McGill on Monday, so kind of lied but for all intensive purposes 3 in a weekend. (3 in 3 days.)

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I've recently barred myself from thinking anything but positives thoughts. Have to try and be as optimistic and happy as possible as you are selling yourself at an Interview. A large portion of which is just how you come off.

That being said I am am extremely nervous for this weekend (My big 3 interview weekend) Worried about flights being on time/weather/how the crummy eating will affect my system.


good luck! knock them dead!

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got completely f#@% on a group project.


Two components to it. Class presentation and final research paper. Class presentation is tonight, paper is next week.


Sat down yesterday with group via skype (who was willing to commit to a skype session that is) to review. Two of my group mates wanted to take the lead on the presentation and since I already have a boatload of prezo skills from previous career I figured I'd suck up my control freak factor and let them have at'er.


Big mistake. It's horrid. All over the place. Inconsistency in front sizing (headers/subheaders/text). Does not tell a story with a final SO WHAT/WHY is all this important, etc.


Been working on it all night trying to make it workable. Tried really hard to use what they had to massage it but in the end I was causing more work than if I just sat down to do it fresh from the beginning.




And of course, I knew this would happen. When people go silent in their communication I know we're about to have problems. People couldn't find 30 mins in a week to get together for skype. Have my group would leave half way through class when we could have spent that time (during break) to discuss progress, etc.


My only saving grace is its 10 mins of presentation time and 5 mins of talking and I know the topic well enough I can do that with just 2-4 slides but of course I want to do more because the presentation is worth 15% of the mark and prof is very detail oriented!


Just venting. I everyone here who has read this will understand where I'm coming from. Even if I wasn't concerned about marks I would still care deeply about such things because I try to take pride in my work, especially when its on display for others.


Have a great monday all!

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My only saving grace is its 10 mins of presentation time and 5 mins of talking and I know the topic well enough I can do that with just 2-4 slides but of course I want to do more because the presentation is worth 15% of the mark and prof is very detail oriented!


Just venting. I everyone here who has read this will understand where I'm coming from. Even if I wasn't concerned about marks I would still care deeply about such things because I try to take pride in my work, especially when its on display for others.


Have a great monday all!


I completely get it. When I'm doing group projects now, I typically steer myself towards other premeds because at least we're all pretty concerned with our marks. My most recent group has impressed me though - a group of 15 (I have no idea what possessed the prof to do this) and we got 14 people to show up TWICE to work on and then practice the presentation. I consider that alone to be an achievement.


Sorry you're being stuck doing it. It's frustrating, but worth it in the end for a polished product.

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Had my first CT performed on me... Anyone shed some light on what it was that they put into me while the CT was on that made me feel like I was peeing myself?


Could it have been the contrast? It's been forever since I had it so I don't remember if it caused that.

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Could it have been the contrast? It's been forever since I had it so I don't remember if it caused that.


If you have contrast through a vein (IV), you may have:


Slight burning sensation

Metallic taste in the mouth

Warm flushing of the body


That would be it. The warm flush definition made me think I was peeing, haha. +1 for Birdy, thank you!

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Mad at my biochem profs. They added three marks to everyone's test because the average was too low (I ended up with a 79 :/). The test was marked completely horribly, so I and others were planning to talk to the profs. Then today, they send out an email saying that the three makes they added were to account for discrepancies between markers (that doesn't even make sense, then people with easy markers would get even higher grades, and the discrepancy wouldn't change?) so if you wanted anything remarked they would take away those three marks. So ridiculous.


And to make it more stressful, like the people above, I'm worried about how much lower my GPA will be if I don't get in this year. :(


Sorry. Rant.

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That was one of the nice things about being a nutrition student: in our nutrition courses, almost all the students were aiming for dietetic internships, and with only a 30% acceptance rate for those internships, everyone was trying to get excellent marks. So group projects in our nutrition courses usually went fairly smoothly - everyone wanted to do well.


For the courses we had to take in other departments, though, ugh. In one business course we had to take, we were put in groups of three. Fortunately there was one other nutrition student in my group. The two of us ended up doing practically all the work, because the one business student was pretty much useless.


Then there was the hospitality course where we were supposed to have group discussions online (it was an online course). I ended up "talking to myself" because none of the other students contributed to the discussions (worth 15% of our final mark). Fortunately the prof understood, and as long as I made regular contributions, even though none of them were responses to other people's posts, he gave me full marks.

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Blizzard warning for tomorrow. The forecast actually says "Wednesday: Blizzard."


We're looking at 25-50cm of snow.


Another 20-30 on Sunday.


This winter has made me so, so grateful for my husband and my snowblower.

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Blizzard warning for tomorrow. The forecast actually says "Wednesday: Blizzard."


We're looking at 25-50cm of snow.


Another 20-30 on Sunday.


This winter has made me so, so grateful for my husband and my snowblower.


i'm so done with the winter in here in the maritimes! this winter has been cold, cold, snow, rain, cold, rain, cold (so basically, the sidewalks were awful) and now in march, we got more snow than during the last 3 months.

(althought, i wouldn't mind a snow day tomorrow to sleep in and have my midterm push back to friday. :o)

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i'm so done with the winter in here in the maritimes! this winter has been cold, cold, snow, rain, cold, rain, cold (so basically, the sidewalks were awful) and now in march, we got more snow than during the last 3 months.

(althought, i wouldn't mind a snow day tomorrow to sleep in and have my midterm push back to friday. :o)


I prefer things closing down to when I lived in Ontario and you were still expected to go to work and school in the middle of insane storms.


My dog has gotten fat this winter because we've barely been able to go out. If it wasn't storming, it was too cold to take her and the kids out, but if it was warm enough the ground was too boggy to go to the woods. I could do with a call spring!

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Having a real crisis on whether or not I want to do medicine after this last round of interviews. Really thinking about a year off as Law is becoming more and more appealing to me. Don't know if it's just nerves or a real revelation.


Anything in particular that sparked this?

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Having a real crisis on whether or not I want to do medicine after this last round of interviews. Really thinking about a year off as Law is becoming more and more appealing to me. Don't know if it's just nerves or a real revelation.


Good luck making a decision, Hockeynut. If you can, talk to as many clerks, residents and attendings as you can, to get an idea of what you can expect out of medicine. I know that has helped me immensely when trying to decide whether or not to even apply to medicine again this coming year (which I've decided not to do).

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Having a real crisis on whether or not I want to do medicine after this last round of interviews. Really thinking about a year off as Law is becoming more and more appealing to me. Don't know if it's just nerves or a real revelation.


Only you can know, obviously. But probably nerves. I think it's how we subconsciously prepare ourselves for rejection ("oh well, I didn't want it anyways"). Or maybe that's my first year psych elective talking.


Try to remember why you wanted medicine initially. It's easy to get dejected, this process is long.

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