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What's On Your Mind?

Robin Hood

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It's many factors. As I've grown"older" I've became rather fond of legal philosophy and overall find law very interesting. (Especially constitutional Law) Going through the interview process has really made me wonder if the field suites my intrinsic beliefs. there's a lot about medicine that i see as wrong, there's lots that i think is amazing. I guess it's just trying to determine if I'd fit in .

That being said I'm sure some of it is pre-acceptance/regrets jitters. But still I can't shake the feeling that maybe the idea of going into medicine is something that was drilled into my head at a young age; Good in science go into medicine. And pretty much just aligned what I think with that mantra ever since.


Again interesting as I have loved the time I've spent in the hospital, not as a patient haha, in clinic,OR etc.

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It's many factors. As I've grown"older" I've became rather fond of legal philosophy and overall find law very interesting. (Especially constitutional Law) Going through the interview process has really made me wonder if the field suites my intrinsic beliefs. there's a lot about medicine that i see as wrong, there's lots that i think is amazing. I guess it's just trying to determine if I'd fit in .

That being said I'm sure some of it is pre-acceptance/regrets jitters. But still I can't shake the feeling that maybe the idea of going into medicine is something that was drilled into my head at a young age; Good in science go into medicine. And pretty much just aligned what I think with that mantra ever since.


Again interesting as I have loved the time I've spent in the hospital, not as a patient haha, in clinic,OR etc.


Also, don't forget that legal philosophy and finding constitutional law interesting is very different (probably) that actually being a lawyer...


I felt like that about a lot of things, when I was trying to decide what to do in university. I LOVED marine biology, but eventually came to realize that a) I probably wouldn't like being an actual marine biologist and B) that's still something I can read up on as a hobby.


Thinking about it that way helped me a bit.

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one final day of general surgery and I will be done all of my surgery blocks. In theory I will have to go into another OR for the rest of my career (well assuming I am not a patient).


Kind of a strange feeling really. I actually like surgery after all. I think I would spent for the surgery culture way too much time with my patients but it certainly is fun!

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one final day of general surgery and I will be done all of my surgery blocks. In theory I will have to go into another OR for the rest of my career (well assuming I am not a patient).


Kind of a strange feeling really. I actually like surgery after all. I think I would spent for the surgery culture way too much time with my patients but it certainly is fun!


do they actually let you do any cutting and fun stuff if its an off-service?

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I had two snow days last week and another today. Also had one on the 13th, and another four besides those this semester. I've had three tests moved due to storm days, including the lab final I was going to write today (now writing Friday.)


My son hasn't had school since last Tuesday because of the weather.


The Maritimes have gone nuts this year.


Three days of class left in my second year, then into exams! My last two exams are on the 17th then I have a four day weekend. Woo!

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I had two snow days last week and another today. Also had one on the 13th, and another four besides those this semester. I've had three tests moved due to storm days, including the lab final I was going to write today (now writing Friday.)


My son hasn't had school since last Tuesday because of the weather.


The Maritimes have gone nuts this year.


Three days of class left in my second year, then into exams! My last two exams are on the 17th then I have a four day weekend. Woo!


Wow! I hope the snow days are a good thing for you (it can be both frustrating but also life saving to have an exam moved haha). I haven't had a snow day in like 6 years :P The weather has been getting better here in Southern Ontario (yesterday I was like OMG I can see grass!!)

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Wow! I hope the snow days are a good thing for you (it can be both frustrating but also life saving to have an exam moved haha). I haven't had a snow day in like 6 years :P The weather has been getting better here in Southern Ontario (yesterday I was like OMG I can see grass!!)


My phys midterm was scheduled for a Thursday (Tuesday/Thursday class.) Because of a storm, it got moved to the Tuesday. That was awesome.


Here on the Island, a lot of roads become completely impassable during poor weather, mine included. Because so many staff and students live out of town, they just don't want to have people risk their lives to come in which I think is an eminently sensible idea. It's not like in big cities, where you can walk a few blocks to catch a bus if your road isn't clear. I live 7km from the nearest main road and the snowploughs get pulled off roads like mine in bad weather so the drivers don't get stuck somewhere dangerous.

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My phys midterm was scheduled for a Thursday (Tuesday/Thursday class.) Because of a storm, it got moved to the Tuesday. That was awesome.


Here on the Island, a lot of roads become completely impassable during poor weather, mine included. Because so many staff and students live out of town, they just don't want to have people risk their lives to come in which I think is an eminently sensible idea. It's not like in big cities, where you can walk a few blocks to catch a bus if your road isn't clear. I live 7km from the nearest main road and the snowploughs get pulled off roads like mine in bad weather so the drivers don't get stuck somewhere dangerous.


Yeah you have been hammered this year. Very messy!


Looks like spring finally got around to arriving her at Ottawa. Forecasting warmer weather for the next 2 weeks.

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^finally can put away my canada goose. i didn't expect to be wearing it this long into the yr


feeling so good to be graduating. seeing as i hate my university, i am looking forward to never seeing them again. kind of like my high school how i hate them too. i will burn my university sweater cause i hate them that much

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Yeah you have been hammered this year. Very messy!


Looks like spring finally got around to arriving her at Ottawa. Forecasting warmer weather for the next 2 weeks.


My mother-in-law is moving down east from Ottawa after her recovery from her hip surgery this month. She was saying how this sort of weather is making her consider whether it's a good idea!

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Just had a wonderful April Fools Day prank idea: post in one of the school acceptance threads that I got sent an offer. Pretty disappointed that I'm 48h late thinking of it.


Even better would be getting a group of people to do it to make it more convincing.

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Just had a wonderful April Fools Day prank idea: post in one of the school acceptance threads that I got sent an offer. Pretty disappointed that I'm 48h late thinking of it.


Even better would be getting a group of people to do it to make it more convincing.


mean, very mean :)

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My mother-in-law is moving down east from Ottawa after her recovery from her hip surgery this month. She was saying how this sort of weather is making her consider whether it's a good idea!


must be getting close to spring there though - it seems to have started in Ottawa now. A lot of snow to melt but we are well above freezing.

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Just had a wonderful April Fools Day prank idea: post in one of the school acceptance threads that I got sent an offer. Pretty disappointed that I'm 48h late thinking of it.


Even better would be getting a group of people to do it to make it more convincing.


Aww man! Would have been hilarious

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We are attempting to replace our other car (which we were planning to replace prior to the accident which resulted in replacing our primary car.)


We negotiated a good deal for a vehicle and it is exactly what I want. We've gotten all the paperwork done up, but there have been delays. Repeated delays, several of which were the result of the dealership screwing up and some which were beyond their control (I can understand that. Things happen.) We should have had it a week ago but we're now looking at Tuesday as the earliest. I emailed the salesperson, and copied the sales manager, detailing our frustration and the reasons for it. The salesperson emailed me back quite snarky and just sent me a second email that was quite rude talking about how this is the minimum commission he can earn and complaining about the fact that I copied the sales manager because it'll make him look bad.


I'm pretty much fed up dealing with them and ready to tell them to take the car and shove it.


But.... I want that car. It's the only one on inventory in Canada, and we got a really good price (benefits of doing your homework, though apparently this pisses off salespeople.)




must be getting close to spring there though - it seems to have started in Ottawa now. A lot of snow to melt but we are well above freezing.


It's going to be -6° tomorrow. I'm not holding my breath.

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We are attempting to replace our other car (which we were planning to replace prior to the accident which resulted in replacing our primary car.)


We negotiated a good deal for a vehicle and it is exactly what I want. We've gotten all the paperwork done up, but there have been delays. Repeated delays, several of which were the result of the dealership screwing up and some which were beyond their control (I can understand that. Things happen.) We should have had it a week ago but we're now looking at Tuesday as the earliest. I emailed the salesperson, and copied the sales manager, detailing our frustration and the reasons for it. The salesperson emailed me back quite snarky and just sent me a second email that was quite rude talking about how this is the minimum commission he can earn and complaining about the fact that I copied the sales manager because it'll make him look bad.


I'm pretty much fed up dealing with them and ready to tell them to take the car and shove it.


But.... I want that car. It's the only one on inventory in Canada, and we got a really good price (benefits of doing your homework, though apparently this pisses off salespeople.)






It's going to be -6° tomorrow. I'm not holding my breath.


The sales people are being annoying - that quite possibly is a good sign that the deal actually is quite good. It is exactly what you want for what you want to pay and despite the delays you almost have the car(?)


I would just hang in there if possible. You are almost there after all :)

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The sales people are being annoying - that quite possibly is a good sign that the deal actually is quite good. It is exactly what you want for what you want to pay and despite the delays you almost have the car(?)


I would just hang in there if possible. You are almost there after all :)


We decided on 4% profit with the dealership topping up the factory rebate to a bit higher, so it worked out to around 3.5% profit, which is very reasonable in the range we're buying (subcompact, new.) With fees, it's under MSRP.


I just despise dealing with frustrating salespeople.

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We decided on 4% profit with the dealership topping up the factory rebate to a bit higher, so it worked out to around 3.5% profit, which is very reasonable in the range we're buying (subcompact, new.) With fees, it's under MSRP.


I just despise dealing with frustrating salespeople.


ha - who does :) Hopefully this will all just pass over, you will get the car, and the salespeople will be a distant memory.

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A requirement to graduate from my masters program is to make a 20 minute public presentation about your research to the other grad students, faculty and fourth year thesis students in the program. I've been dreading this presentation for, like, a YEAR knowing I had to do it before I could wrap up my masters this June. I do actually like explaining things, and I enjoy my research, but I really, really hate public presentations. I guess I'm afraid of sounding stupid or making a fool of myself when I present (sometimes my voice shakes).


So... today was the day. During the presentation just before mine I thought, "the worst that can happen is that I'm asked a question, I have no clue how to answer it, and I sound like an idiot and say 'I dunno' and I go red in the face." Well, fine. At least I'd be done!! So, knowing the worst case scenario (well I guess running form the room crying would be worse lol), I gave my presentation…


and I won the award for the best graduate student presentation!!!!!!!!

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A requirement to graduate from my masters program is to make a 20 minute public presentation about your research to the other grad students, faculty and fourth year thesis students in the program. I've been dreading this presentation for, like, a YEAR knowing I had to do it before I could wrap up my masters this June. I do actually like explaining things, and I enjoy my research, but I really, really hate public presentations. I guess I'm afraid of sounding stupid or making a fool of myself when I present (sometimes my voice shakes).


So... today was the day. During the presentation just before mine I thought, "the worst that can happen is that I'm asked a question, I have no clue how to answer it, and I sound like an idiot and say 'I dunno' and I go red in the face." Well, fine. At least I'd be done!! So, knowing the worst case scenario (well I guess running form the room crying would be worse lol), I gave my presentation…


and I won the award for the best graduate student presentation!!!!!!!!


Wow, that's awesome!!! Good job :D

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