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nice idea in theory, should of seen it coming that people are corrupted with power and greed.


how do you feel when someone gives you bad advice?


I'm obviously not going to listen to them but I appreciate the effort and sincerity. Intention's more important than content


What age would you want to die at?

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depends what we plan to do at the house


if bioengineering is kicking ass and i can ubermensch it then like, 1000.


do u enjoy risk?


After all my loved ones are gone, whatever age that may be. To be safe I'll say 110.


How do you feel about people whose houses are very dirty?

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depends what we plan to do at the house


if bioengineering is kicking ass and i can ubermensch it then like, 1000.


do u enjoy risk?


not really, I'm way too neurotic

I do enjoy doing spontaneous things with very little chance of harm to me though, which is kind of like risk I guess


If you had the opportunity to try human meat just ot see what it tastes like, no questions asked and no consequences would you?

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lol, prob not, not grossed out really, just no interest or excitement... no consequences... hmmm, i'd prob do something with a high chance of death since no consequences usually means i'm down if i'm interested... most stuff i restrain myself from have a high liklelyhood of killing me or giving me a terrible disease... otherwise well, doesn't feel like a biggie in my endogenous valium producing brain


since no one answered, how hot are you from 1 to 10 in ur opinion.


not really, I'm way too neurotic

I do enjoy doing spontaneous things with very little chance of harm to me though, which is kind of like risk I guess


If you had the opportunity to try human meat just ot see what it tastes like, no questions asked and no consequences would you?

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lol, prob not, not grossed out really, just no interest or excitement... no consequences... hmmm, i'd prob do something with a high chance of death since no consequences usually means i'm down if i'm interested... most stuff i restrain myself from have a high liklelyhood of killing me or giving me a terrible disease... otherwise well, doesn't feel like a biggie in my endogenous valium producing brain


since no one answered, how hot are you from 1 to 10 in ur opinion.


1.025... the extra .025 is because at least I'm not obese :D (although I am obese in spirit).


On a scale of 1 to 10 how vain are you? OR, if you'd rather not answer that, I shall ask a very benign question - do you normally eat three regular meals per day?

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1.025... the extra .025 is because at least I'm not obese :D (although I am obese in spirit).


On a scale of 1 to 10 how vain are you? OR, if you'd rather not answer that, I shall ask a very benign question - do you normally eat three regular meals per day?


LOL I'm like 1.5, pretty self deprecating actually and what the hell, no I usually eat 2 meals a day, I Can never down a breakfast for some reason


do you swear regularly?

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LOL I'm like 1.5, pretty self deprecating actually and what the hell, no I usually eat 2 meals a day, I Can never down a breakfast for some reason


do you swear regularly?


Only when no one's around.


Is there anything you still have difficulty bringing yourself to do because your parents were very strict about it when you were younger?

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Mushroom, I f****** love mushroom


What are the popular kids from high school up to now?


They are at Western, sitting in the back row together of all the medical science courses that have easier reputations, so that they can party all the time and still have a high enough GPA to go to med school. Or they are at Western studying political science, aiming for law school. Or they are at Western studying business. Or some of the girls are at Western studying psych so they can be nice trophy wives. FrenchToast sees them a tad too frequently for her liking.


Same question for the next person, because I feel like my high school is not typical, haha.

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They are at Western, sitting in the back row together of all the medical science courses that have easier reputations, so that they can party all the time and still have a high enough GPA to go to med school. Or they are at Western studying political science, aiming for law school. Or they are at Western studying business. Or some of the girls are at Western studying psych so they can be nice trophy wives. FrenchToast sees them a tad too frequently for her liking.


Same question for the next person, because I feel like my high school is not typical, haha.

Hahaha you MUST be from thornhill


Uh some are at scattered universities studying things like "trophy wife" subjects like sociology and god knows what the hell. A couple trying for law school and such. A few went to college, and others didn't go anywhere, one served me coffee the other day which is why I asked the question (also hilarious because in grade 10 I remember one of the douchebag teachers was handing tests back, and she obviously more than failed and he said to her "here you go sweetheart, you'll be serving me coffee at tim horton's in a few years", well what are the chances)


What would you have done if society started to collapse on december 21st?

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Hahaha you MUST be from thornhill


Uh some are at scattered universities studying things like "trophy wife" subjects like sociology and god knows what the hell. A couple trying for law school and such. A few went to college, and others didn't go anywhere, one served me coffee the other day which is why I asked the question (also hilarious because in grade 10 I remember one of the douchebag teachers was handing tests back, and she obviously more than failed and he said to her "here you go sweetheart, you'll be serving me coffee at tim horton's in a few years", well what are the chances)


What would you have done if society started to collapse on december 21st?


^ Not from Thornhill.


Sat there giggling for a long while.


Would you rather flip burgers at McDonald's for the rest of your life or be a data entry clerk?

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Flippin burgers, at least there you get to screw around and have a little fun


What would you do if you found out you were adopted?


I know I'm not because I look too much like my mother for that, but if it happened hypothetically, I don't think I'd be all that phased.


Are you happy with your choice of university/program?

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I know I'm not because I look too much like my mother for that, but if it happened hypothetically, I don't think I'd be all that phased.


Are you happy with your choice of university/program?


LOL no! I kinda regret it


Would the admission committee look down upon busking as a listed activity?

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LOL no! I kinda regret it


Would the admission committee look down upon busking as a listed activity?


Uuuuum. Usually more details are required, so I'd say it would depend on whether it's sketchy busking or BuskerFest for charity (they'd love that) or somewhere in between.


If you could start again and choose any university/program, which would you choose?

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Uuuuum. Usually more details are required, so I'd say it would depend on whether it's sketchy busking or BuskerFest for charity (they'd love that) or somewhere in between.


If you could start again and choose any university/program, which would you choose?


Nutrition which I may try transferring into next year.


Same question

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