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Premed 101 Forums
  1. General Premed and Med School Topics

    1. General Premed Discussions

      Premed topics on Canadian med school admissions. Specific med school topics go below in their respective medical school forums.

    2. Medical Student General Discussions

      An area for Canadian medical students to interact and share information.

    3. The Lounge

      Non-medical discussions go here.

    4. Research Discussions

      Discuss research topics and opportunities here, including NSERC.

    5. Non-Traditional Applicants/Grad Students

      A forum for non-standard applicants who have taken a less direct pathway to medicine or dentistry. Discussions including applications, family, and career changes.

    6. MCAT Preparation

      Discuss MCAT review courses and strategies for the Medical College Admissions Test.

    7. Medical School Interviews

      Got a medical school interview? Debates, discussions, and ethical scenarios go here.

  2. Healthcare Professions

    1. Dental Student General Discussions

      An area for Canadian dental students to interact and share information.

    2. Optometry Discussions

      An area for Canadian optometry students and applicants to interact and share information.

    3. Veterinary Medicine Discussions

      An area for Canadian veterinary students and applicants to interact and share information.

    4. Podiatry Discussions

      An area for Canadian podiatry students and applicants to interact and share information.

    5. Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner Discussions

      An area for Canadian PA and NP students and applicants to interact and share information.

    6. Nursing Discussions

      An area for Canadian nursing students and applicants to interact and share information.

    7. Pharmacy Discussions

      An area for Canadian pharmacy students and applicants to interact and share information.

    8. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Discussions

      An area for Canadian physiotherapy and occupational therapy students and applicants to interact and share information.

  3. Ontario Medical Schools

    1. General Ontario Discussions (OMSAS)

      General Ontario med school topics: eg. tuition, seats, cutoffs, OMSAS applications.

    2. 37.2k
    3. 45.6k
    4. 26.4k
    5. 38.4k
    6. 35.2k
    7. 9.4k
  4. Quebec Medical Schools

    1. General Quebec Discussions

      General Quebec premed and med school discussions, including CEGEP.

    2. 32k
    3. 81.3k
    4. 17.2k
    5. 29.8k
  5. Atlantic Medical Schools

    1. 19.5k
    2. 7.1k
  6. Western Canadian Medical Schools

    1. 56.4k
    2. 23.6k
    3. 30.8k
    4. 10.7k
    5. 10.5k
  7. Resources for Med School, Residencies, and Practising Physicians

    1. Med School Orientation 101

      Incoming med student? Discussion on Orientation topics: eg. financial aid (loans, LOC's), insurance, etc.

    2. The Preclinical Years (Med 1 and 2)

      Doing your basic sciences? Share links on the basic sciences and the USMLE Step 1.

    3. Clerkship Rotations and Electives (Med 3 and 4)

      On the wards? Links for electives, clinical medicine, and the USMLE Step 2 and MCCQE/LMCC Part 1 exams.

    4. CaRMS and CaRMS applications

      Prepping for CaRMS? Discuss strategies for your CV's, LOR's, interviews, etc.

    5. Primary Care Residencies

      Discussions on Family Medicine, Community Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry.

    6. Surgery and Surgical Subspecialty Residencies

      Discussions on General Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery, and Urology.

    7. Diagnostics, Imaging, and Therapeutics Residencies

      Discussions on Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Oncology, Pathology and Lab Medicine.

    8. Other Specialty Residencies

      Discussions on Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Medical Genetics, Neurology, and Physiatry.

    9. General Resident Physician Discussions

      An area for Canadian residents to interact and share information. Find physician salaries here.

  8. US and International Medical Schools

    1. 28.6k
    2. 10k
    3. 1k
  9. Information Exchange (Book reviews, For Sale, and Housing)

    1. Textbook and Equipment Reviews

      Your Consumer Reports for medical textbooks and equipment.

    2. For Sale/Trade Classifieds

      Your place to sell old premed and medical items (eg. MCAT/DAT supplies, textbooks, etc). No dealers please.

    3. Housing Classifieds

      A venue for finding short and long-term housing for premed and med students.

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  • Posts

    • Did you know as a Medical Learner you can post a FREE MedsGold listing on MedsHousing.com? Use the code CFMS24 MedsHousing.com is a partner of the Canadian Federation of Medical Students. Currently there are 48 tenant Want Ads for Toronto . You can reach out as a MedsGold listing. Email info@MedsHousing.com if you have any questions.  Good Luck! 
    • I'm glad you're interested in exploring medical mobile app development for delivery services. Here's a breakdown of the topics you're looking to learn more about: Technologies for Medical Delivery Apps: Various technologies can be employed in developing medical delivery apps, including cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter for efficient development across multiple platforms. Additionally, integrating real-time tracking using GPS and geolocation services can enhance delivery accuracy and efficiency. Regulatory Requirements: Developing medical delivery apps involves adhering to strict regulatory standards to ensure patient safety and data privacy. Regulatory bodies like the FDA in the United States and the EMA in Europe have specific guidelines for medical software development, including requirements for data security, HIPAA compliance, and proper documentation. Best Practices for Design and Development: Designing a user-friendly medical delivery app involves prioritizing simplicity, accessibility, and intuitive navigation. Implementing clear and concise UI/UX design, incorporating feedback mechanisms for users and healthcare professionals, and ensuring seamless integration with existing healthcare systems are key best practices in medical mobile app development. Challenges and Solutions: Developing medical delivery apps can pose challenges such as ensuring data security and privacy, managing complex logistics, and integrating with various healthcare systems. Solutions to these challenges include implementing robust encryption protocols for data transmission, leveraging advanced routing algorithms for efficient delivery management, and adopting interoperability standards for seamless integration with electronic health records (EHR) systems. By exploring these topics in medical mobile app development, you can gain valuable insights into building a successful and user-friendly medical delivery app that meets regulatory requirements and addresses the unique challenges of the healthcare industry.
    • Have you looked on MedsHousing.com and placed a tenant Want ad? Many of the landlords are MD's themselves. It may help your particular situation. 
    • La LA universitaire à St-Hyacinthe est déjà rendue à 20. C'est moi ou ça bouge plus vite que les années passées?
    • Avant même de penser appliquer en pharmacie ou en médecine dentaire, tu vas devoir réussir tous les cours préalables même si tu vas avoir 21 ans, donc presque tous les cours de sciences nat. Honnêtement, rendu la, j'irais refaire le DEC au complet pour obtenir le diplôme de DEC. Si j'ai bien compris les pages d'admission UdeM demande soit un DEC (2 ans), soit un bac complet (3 ans) (pour ceux qui n'ont pas de DEC) autant pour pharmacie que pour médecine dentaire. Disons que tu décides de ne pas faire le DEC, tu devras quand même faire tous les cours préalables. Ensuite tu devras appliquer dans un programme universitaire AUTRE que pharmacie ou médecine dentaire parce que tu n'auras pas de DEC et pas encore de bac. Pour espérer pouvoir transférer après avoir terminé le bac, tu dois être dans un programme très bien coté (donc contingenté). Avec deux sessions complètes en échec, ça va être difficile de remonter ta cote r avec seulement les cours de sciences nat. En faisant le DEC au complet, tu t'ajoutes des crédits contributoires à ta cote r, donc si tu performes bien dans tous tes cours, t'as plus de chance d'être capable de mieux la remonter. Si tu es chanceux, tu auras assez remonter ta cote r pour être accepté du premier coup dans un bon programme tremplin (bien coté, contingenté). Sinon, tu devras passer par un autre programme, moins bien coté, et peut-être devoir transférer dans un programme bien coté (et contingenté) avant de pouvoir accéder à pharmacie ou à médecine dentaire. Mais garde en tête que sans DEC, ça prend un bac complété. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que plus t'as de cours réussis à l'université, moins ta cote r compte dans le calcul quand t'appliques dans un programme contingenté, jusqu'à s'effacer complètement. Pour ce qui est de UL, pour pharmacie, les candidats adultes (21 ans ou plus et non titulaires d'un DEC) ne sont PAS admissibles au programme. Donc si tu obtiens pas de DEC, tu te coupes de l'option d'appliquer à UL en pharmacie. Pour médecine dentaire, la page d'admission laisse croire que t'as pas besoin d'un DEC ni d'un bac si t'as réussi tous les cours préalables demandés. Mais on retourne à ce que j'ai dit pour UdeM, la seule différence c'est que t'auras pas besoin de compléter un bac avant d'être admis. J'ai pas regardé à McGill, mais je suis pas mal certaine que ça prend soit un DEC, soit un bac. Bonne chance!
    • Im really waiting on Mac here....I hope they send out some more offers this week 
    • J'ai été admise! J'ai jusqu'au 14 juin pour accepter l'offre.
    • also keeping in mind that just because no one here is mentioning waitlist movement, doesn't mean that there is no movement happening. not a lot of people are aware of these forums, and this year in particular the ot/pt thread has had less activity. so hopefully there's still some movement going on
    • Une grande majorité des refus sont sortis oui, mais je crois qu'il y en aura d'autres qui sortiront.
    • Moi aussi en date de jeudi dernier (5 juin) la faculté n'avait toujours pas confirmé mes heures. On lâche pas guys je ne pense pas qu'il en reste encore long ! (double fingers crossed haha)
    • Salut tout le monde , j'espère vous allez tous très bien , je suis en réflexion de faire un 360 degrès dans ma carrière , je suis rentré en 2021 au cegep ahuntsic en science nat totalement foiré ma premiere session (tous les cours en échec) ensuite j'ai décider d'annuler ma session d'hiver et rentrer en automne en Technique informatique. En automne j'ai encore lâcher en milieu de session et échouer tout mes cours. Aujourd'hui avec l'experience et la maturité je voudrais reprendre ma carriere professionel en main et re rentrer a l'université vue que j'aurai 21 ans en décembre est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me guider et me dire si il reste espoir pour rentrer en (Pharma ou Dent) malgrès le lourd passer . J'ai trouver avec le temps que le corps humain m'interessait beaucoup trop pour pas me diriger professionnelement dans ce chemin . J'aurai besoin de votre aide !    Merci d'avance !
    • Hi everyone!  This year will be my first year applying to UBC DMD. I was wondering if UBC only looks at your personal statement, or does UBC also look at the ECs entries as well? Other universities explicitly state that they look at ECs as well, but on UBC’s website, it only says personal statement.. Thank you!
    • Hi everyone!  This year will be my first year applying to UBC DMD. I was wondering if UBC only looks at your personal statement, or does UBC also look at the ECs entries as well? Other universities explicitly state that they look at ECs as well, but on UBC’s website, it only says personal statement.. Thank you!
    • Hi everyone!  This year will be my first year applying to UBC DMD. I was wondering if UBC only looks at your personal statement, or does UBC also look at the ECs entries as well? Other universities explicitly state that they look at ECs as well, but on UBC’s website, it only says personal statement.. Thank you!
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