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  1. Bonjour, Je suis actuellement en bio à l'UdeM à ma deuxième année cet automne. Je veux entrer en médecine dentaire. J'ai 4,1 de GPA avec 9 crédits. Ma cote R est à 30,7. Quels sont les meilleurs cours (faciles) à prendre dans la spécialisation de physiologie animale en automne et en hiver? Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un bac pour être admise en médecine dentaire? Quels sont vos conseils? Merci! :)
  2. Hello everyone. My GPA for 3rd, 4th and 5th years of undergrad are 3.73, 3.61, 3.7+ respectively. My first year's GPA is not good at all also my first year was 2019-2020 so most schools don't count 2020. In my second year I took winter semester off due to illness but fall semester's gpa is 3.78. Everything is based on OMSAS scale. I have 3 awards ( 1 in research) and I have been active in student government for last 2 years. I am also finishing my undergrad thesis. I started volunteering for external organizations last year but not much hours. I plan to do my MCAT this summer and I think I will do great. What do you all think about my chances for 2025-2026 cycle? I have never applied before. Should I graduate this spring/summer or maybe graduate in fall? meanwhile getting some courses during summer to increase GPA for schools that looks for cGPA? I am also non-trad applicant (26 years old) from Ontario and I am scared that I am getting old. Any advise is appreciated. Thank you
  3. Bonjour, Je suis étudiant à Polytechnique Montréal en génie physique. J'en suis à ma deuxième session (de 8 crédits). J'ai réalisé, peut-être un peu tard, que je préférerais de loin exercer la médecine. Ma cote R au cégep était de 29.5 et j'ai eu un GPA catastrophique de 2.0 / 4.33 pour ma première session de 15 crédits en génie physique. Je ne connais pas ma CRU. Puisque je ne peux pas directement entrer en médecine, je compte faire sciences biologiques à l'UdeM comme programme tremplin. Mes questions sont les suivantes : Est-ce que ma deuxième session en génie physique (celle que j'entame actuellement) comptera pour mon admission en sciences biologiques à l'automne sachant que le 1er avril est la date limite pour y appliquer? Est-ce que je peux espérer être admis en sciences biomédicales compte tenu de mes résultats sachant que ma cote R du cégep vaudra pour 70% (peut-être moins) et celle de l'université pour 30% (peut-être plus)? Quelles universités prendront en compte les résultats que j'ai obtenus lors de mes deux premières session en génie physique au moment d'appliquer en médecine? Merci.
  4. Hello everyone, I am graduating this year however I am not happy about my last 2 years GPA in order to apply to Western (I have 3.7+) and cGPA 3.5. I wanted to do a 1 year non-degree through TMU's chang school. But what do you all think about 2years accelerated baccalaureate programs that TMU offer? I can't really help my cGPA but at least I can increase the last 2 years. If I do the 2 year program, can I apply at the first year? There is also a disability studies bachelor program but it is part-time however you are allowed to get a full time course load. and same thing for this one, can I start applying in my first year? Any help is appreciated.
  5. Bonsoir, je me demandais si les moyennes de classe sont prises en compte dans l'évaluation des dossiers de candidature et le calcul de la CRU pour les universités francophones. Je vous donne un exemple. Si un universitaire obtient un GPA de 3.9/4.3, est-ce que le fait que les notes des autres étudiants de la classe qui équivalent en moyenne un 2.9 pour les cours du même baccalauréat est avantageux pour celui-ci? Si c'est le cas, est-ce qu'il prenne en compte chaque cours de manière individuelle ou l'écart des moyennes des cours suivis dans sa globalité? Merci & Bonne chance à tous!
  6. I decided to make this thread for applicants that are thinking of, or have already started, working towards a second degree in the hopes of applying to McGill. I found McGill's website to be quite jumbled regarding this topic, so hopefully that information can be summarized here in a clear and concise way. If you notice any errors, please comment below and I will edit this post accordingly. I would also encourage second degree applicants to ask their questions here, if only for the sake of keeping information in one easily accessible place. Basic Science Prerequisites & the MCAT: The MCAT is not required to apply to McGill, but if you have already completed the basic science prerequisites, it may be in your best interest to write the exam. Every applicant MUST complete the prerequisites by January 15th of the year they plan to start medical school, and a maximum of two prerequisites can still be outstanding by the application deadline (November 1st). However, if your pre-requisite science GPA (sGPA) is significantly below the average of 3.80, then a strong MCAT score can be used in its place. Currently, a competitive MCAT is a 33, and this score should be as close to 'balanced' as possible (11/11/11). *Pre-requisite courses 'expire' after eight years, so make sure to repeat those courses if they will exceed the eight year mark by November 1st. List of Prerequisites: 6 Credits Biology (Introductory) w/ Labs 6 Credits Chemistry (General or Physical) w/ Labs 3 Credits Organic Chemistry w/ Lab 6 Credits Physics (Introductory) w/ Labs GPA: Before we get into GPA, it's important to emphasize that you are NOT a second degree applicant unless you COMPLETED your first degree. For example, if you left your first degree early and pursued another degree, then the following information will not apply to you. Your GPA will instead be calculated based on every course you have completed, in both degrees. Those who have completed a degree, and are now working towards another, will have their GPA calculated differently then applicants in their 'primary' degree. For starters, even if you received transfer credit from your first degree, those courses will NOT be included in the GPA calculation. Only the courses you have completed while enrolled in the second degree will be considered. The year you apply, you must have completed at least 45 credits (15 courses) before the application deadline (November 1st), and at least 60 credits AND your degree by July 1st. This means that your second degree needs to take at least two years to complete, but if you were paying attention to the deadlines, you'll realize that if it only takes you two years, you likely won't be able to apply until after you've graduated. There are ways to get around this (i.e. overloading semesters, spring/summer courses, etc), but keep in mind that you need to maintain a competitive GPA, so don't get overzealous. On that note, a competitive GPA is a 3.80, but if you're an OOP applicant there's a limited number of seats. **Those 60 credits need to be completed in consecutive years or you risk your application being rejected Conclusion: This concludes the second degree specific information. I hope it will provide some insight for future applicants and help you move one step closer to achieving your medical school goals. Good luck! Class Profiles - Admissions - Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted Thread - Admission FAQs - Dark
  7. Bonjour tout le monde, Je planifie faire un bac à McGill avant d’aller en médecine. LE GPA est sur 4.0 à McGill tendis que dans les autres universités francophones (udem, Sherbrooke, ULaval) c’est sur 4.3 Est-ce que quelqu’un sait comment ils convertissent le gpa de McGill dans les universités francophones? Est-ce que je serai désavantagé après mon bac dans les universités francophones si je fais mon bac à McGill? Merci
  8. I have my heart set on going to medical school and am currently writing the MCAT. However, I didn't have a very good track record at all for the 1st four years of undergrad due to mental health issues (not to make excuses or anything) but I did turn my life around, start taking care of myself and recently graduated after doing a 5th year, ending up with a 3.9 GPA (this is my GPA for the 5th year, not my cumulative GPA). I obviously don't want to do a full year of courses after graduating if it ends up being pointless, but I am willing to do a full year of courses as an unclassified student if if immensely boosts my chances of being competitive for med school. That being said, if I were to do a special year with the requirements of Western and maintain a high GPA, would they assess the 5th year & the special year as my 2 year gpa or am I only able to be assessed on 1 or the other? (Waiting for a reply for my email to the admissions committee.) I also I'm aware of the importance of ECs, it's just the situation surrounding my GPA calculations that I'm most worried about and wanted to discuss in this post.
  9. I know queens is the biggest mystery when it comes to cutoff, but I am hoping some people out there who have gotten in with similar scores or know of people who have could let me know. Thanks for any help you can offer!
  10. I'm in my third year and second semester of the Neuroscience program in Ontario. I have a 2.4/4 GPA right no. I'm also an international student. What medical schools in Canada can I apply to in a year's time? And, how much do I need to raise my average by?
  11. Hello im currently doing a bac in biology in order to reapply into med school after I finish my 3 years in Quebec (and maybe in Ontario too). Considering my current performance in the programme, im expecting to get a gpa of 4.0 or higher. Will that be enough or do I need to work harder?
  12. Hello, I have a quick question I hold a 4 year Degree in Biology, and I was looking into the Post degree Diplomas (Business from Langara college) as a safety net if I don't get into med school at UBC. I was wondering if UBC would consider the GPA from Post degree diploma?
  13. If you are under the 3.7 cutoff but still apply and have a strong MCAT and strong application will they still just disregard the application?
  14. 8 Years ago I went to university full time for a year, got pretty bad grades (including 1 failed class). Now I just finished my second year of undergrad a second time with a perfect 4.0 so far. Out of the Med Schools around me (Western, McMaster, uoft) how would they all look at this. Would they even require / know about this year? I know Western takes your best 2 years which would give me a shot, but how about the other two schools? Would they take those courses into the equation? Unfortunately even if I continue a perfect 4.0 throughout all 4 years I will be stuck with a 3.5 - 3.6 GPA which probably isn't good enough to get in from what I've seen.
  15. I'm a pharmacy student who, two-thirds of the way through pharmacy school, developed the strong desire to pursue medicine instead. I still really enjoy pharmacy (it was my first love after all) but feel like I would never find closure if I didn't at least try to pursue medicine. I definitely plan on finishing my pharmD first so I am not applying for medical school until that is done first. However, I figured I should start preparing and have been looking through the admission requirements for Canadian medical schools recently. Specifically, I realize that Western looks specifically at only the best 2 undergraduate years, and those 2 undergraduate years must meet the 3.7 GPA. My grades consistenly exceeded the 3.7 cutoff during my three years of undergrad, but they dropped significantly in the first 2 years of pharmacy school. I just finished third year and was able to get > 3.7 GPA this year. However, I only have 1 year in pharmacy where I meet the 3.7 cutoff and I am starting full-time rotations in fourth year so I will no longer be able to get another 3.7 GPA. I'm just wondering if Western would also look at my undergrad year grades. I know they say that people pursuing a second degree would have their best 2 years chosen from the second degree. However since I didn't actually finish my bachelor's before transferring to pharmacy, would Western include those years as part of the requirements to complete my pharmacy degree and choose another year from there to calculate GPA? Or, do they actually not look at any undergrad year, solely calculate from my pharmacy years and I might as well not bother applying to this particular school.
  16. So my 2y GPA is 3.70 on the dot. Does anyone think I have a chance? I know it’s unknown what the GPA cut-offs are, but how greatly have they varied in the past? Do they stay in the 3.7 range or have they ever been higher? (3.8+)?
  17. Hi everyone, I want to ask your opinion on my following program selections. I am fortunate enough to be accepted to the programs of my choosing, and I now have to decide where I should attend. Queen's new Health Science (On-Campus) program has been created to "compete" with the previously established McMaster Health Science. I have heard this from both Queen's/Mac students/faculty members. This year, Queen's has a target enrolment of 170 students (last year they over accepted and had around 250+ students), out of close to 6000 applicants (up by 2,000 applicants from the previous year). In contrast, McMaster has a target enrolment of around 240 out of 7000 applicants. After talking to Queen's Health Science students, and seeing their official transcripts, and comparing that to what McMaster Health Science students tend to get (no official class averages from Mac), it becomes extremely apparent that the class averages of Queen's Health Science is way higher than those of Mac Health Science. While McMaster hosts a high average of 80%+, the Queen's Health Science courses consistently had a 90%+ average (for both first and second-year core classes). This means that many students at Queen's (many of which I know) have averages of 4.0 on the OMSAS scale, whereas not that many Mac Health Science students have 4.0 averages (albeit 3.9+ averages are common). The only issue is that Queen's Health Science will not have a graduating class until 2023, whereas McMaster already has a history of sending students to medical school from their program. But at the same time, I also know that your program doesn't matter and that as long as you have a good GPA, EC's, MCAT, Interview, etc., you will have a shot. My concern is that I may be turning down Queen's, a program that may help me become more competitive when it comes to applying to medical school. Also, I'm not sure how graduate programs will react to the sudden influx of Queen's Health Science students applying to their program, with most of them having extremely high averages (3.9/4.0). Some questions I wanted to ask are: Should the lack of a graduating class be something I take into consideration? What would you do in my position? Let's assume financial, community life and fun, etc. are not factors. Purely looking at it from a program point of view. P.S. Here are some screenshots of what Queen's University students provided me. I was told these are the official documents provided to them by their program.
  18. Long story short, I am a Canadian in my late 20s that holds two undergrad degrees. I partied a bit too much during my first degree (BSc in biology) but smarten up during my second degree (BA in health sciences) which resulted in a steep upward GPA trend; started with a 2.3GPA in 2nd year and later achieved a perfect 4.0 GPA with full course load for 6 semesters straight. Currently, I am finishing up my Masters of Physiotherapy degree (MPT) with an cGPA of 3.7 (A-), I started the program strong but later struggled with constant migraine and diplopia (as confirmed by my neuro-ophthalmologist) which drastically impacted my grades near the end of my program. I now have my symptoms well managed with visual rehab and corrective lenses. However, I am hoping to apply into medical school as I realized my dream is to be a MD. During my physiotherapy placements at the hospital, I worked with multiple physicians (ie. physiatrists, orthopaedic surgeon, and family physicians) which further confirmed this passion. Will my relatively poor grad school GPA negatively impact my chances of Canadian med school admissions? I know some Ontario schools claim that they don't look at grad school GPA? ps: I am confident that I can ace my MCAT and am seasoned with the CASPer and MMI processes. Thank you!
  19. Hi, Is the life science programs at McGill in the faculty of environmental science and agriculture equivalent to the Biomedical programs at the McGill in the Faculty of science? Life science is at the Mac campus and Biomed is at the downtown campus. Life science is easier to get into but does it have the same qualities as Biomed? Does a life science student have a chance of getting into medicine? Which program will give me the best GPA Thank you so much who those who are able to advice me
  20. Salut! Est-ce que quelqu'un qui a déjà fait le bac sciences biomédicales pourrait me dire si l'indice de force est bon à Montréal? Je suis au courant pour celui de Laval, mais il n'y a pas de tableau d'étalon pour l'UdeM, donc j'aimerais savoir un GPA de 4,33 donne combien de cote r. Merci d'avance!
  21. Hello Everyone/Salut tout le monde! I am a Quebec university student who is graduating from undergrad this semester. I’m planning on applying to a DESS (Diplôme d’études supérieures spécialisées) program at Université de Montréal before applying to Medicine and Pharmacy next application cycle. Let's cut to the chase: I’m wondering if being part of a DESS program will significantly hurt my chances of being accepted to the Quebec Medical schools, compared to a full-on Masters degree. Pros to the DESS (in my opinion): DESS programs are only 1 year of full time study, and many of them offer doing an additional year of directed study or a stage somewhere. Upon completing the additional year, I would graduate with a full Masters degree. Research isn’t really my favourite, and I would prefer to do a more application-based program, but not if it will hurt my chances, or not improve my chances, at getting into Med/Pharm . Cons to the DESS (possibly?): When I apply during the next application cycle, they will see that I have been working on a DESS instead of a Masters degree (not sure if this one counts as a Con or not, that's why I'm asking here!). I haven’t seen this discussed anywhere else, so if anyone has anecdotes or feedback of any kind to share about this situation, I would really appreciate them!
  22. Hi all, I have been lurking on this forum for a while. It’s been really nice to see actual interactions by likeminded individuals wading through the daunting application process. I have applied to NOSM this cycle. It’s been a long term goal of mine for the last 6 years and I finally applied. I’m 30, 4 kids, born and raised in a small town in Northern Ontario. Left for three years in my early 20’s but moved back as soon as we could. My background is in social sciences and I’ve been a business counsellor for Indigenous women, traveling all around Northern Ontario, including fly-in communities. I currently work in research for an Indigenous organization as the Chief Research Officer. I have decent ECs but my GPA isn’t great. I started university at 17, and had a rough couple years after we moved down east (near Ottawa). According to OMSAS my cGPA is 3.38, however, I do have a Masters degree, which puts me up to 3.58– still not great. I’m currently working on a second undergrad via Athabasca University (Bachelor’s in Health Administration) while I “wait” to get into medical school. This is absolutely my dream. The perfect profession and I intend to work and serve Northern Ontario until I physically can’t anymore. But I’m feeling pretty hopeless. So many people have competitive GPAs and I just feel like to recover my grades, it’s going to be a long and expensive journey, but I’m willing and committed to doing that. Even though it’s been INTENSE to keep up with family life, courses, and working. I’m reaching out for a little bit of hope. Does anyone know of anyone that got into NOSM with a lower GPA? I would appreciate any insight, words or encouragement or blunt advice! Thanks in advance!
  23. Hi, I am currently a grade 12 student in high school. I have a very strong work ethic and currently have an average in the 90s. I am not too concerned with the major, as long as I am able to maintain a high GPA and have all the requirements necessary to go to medical school post-undergrad. If anyone goes to Guelph or Queens University and has a close to 4.0 GPA, or is currently in medical school and did your undergrad at either, would you recommend it there? If so: 1) What program were you in? 2) How were the professors there? Were any of them unfair? 3) Did you live on res? - if yes, was it too noisy to concentrate on your work? Any help/advice would be very appreciated!!
  24. Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well I'd really appreciate some perspectives on my chances at Western and Queens specifically! MCAT: 514 (127/127/128/132) 2YGPA: 3.87 Thanks in advance!!
  25. Hey guys - just realized I may have screwed my chances at medical school. I applied to queens and western. My third and fourth years are the 3.88 and 3.87 respectively. I did a fifth year in 2020 and took three courses, which was my biggest, dumbest mistake because I ended up with a calculated 3.5 gpa here. I am terrified Queens will take this year and my fourth year as my last two, leaving me at a 3.68 gpa. Have I screwed myself over?
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